Odin's Forum Posts

  • Anybody have any idea about this?

  • Hello everybody, I have a little problems with the new web/compiler of ludei. In previous versions of contruct2 and ludei compiler the only that I did was export the project for cocoonjs and upload the zip in the ludei compiler, after I configured the basic options I could download a funcional apk for andriod (4.0.2 in this case).

    Now I need compile a new version of these apps, but when I try to intall the apk files the only that it show if this

    The complete procces that I follow is:

    -export proyect for cordova.

    -go to ludei.

    -upload de .zip

    -configure the basic parameters (splah, icon, minimum android version, etc).

    -compile for andriod.

    -wait and download.

    -install the apk "debug version" for arm.

    • This screen.
  • oh that arrow! sure!

    game looks good and its a very interesting idea, kind of everrunner n rpg crossover. I made to level 3. A lil bit repetitive, guess you'll be adding more monsters and bkg elements in the future (or it may be that I just didnt go far enough, but in that case i'd introduce some changes earlier).

    I do not like the registration thing tho -- id make it optional, to enter the ranking or something -- now thats just an opinion.

    Anyway good game, pretty original (as far as i now, i dont play a lot of games) and with a very nice finish. good luck with yr kick!

    Thanks, like you can see the game is only a demo, for the moment the game can become in a really repetitive thing if you play a lot of but...is the Kickstarter demo. Inside the KS proyect yoy can read the possible future game's features like that:

    • 1 world map expandable.
    • Interactive inventory & stats.
    • 1 new set every month for a year: sword, shield & belt
    • 1 new zone every month for a year
    • Story and NPCs- Achievements
    • Titles and Ranks system Conecction with RRSS (statistics, achievements, ranks).Connection with Social Networks
    • Level/experience system.
    • Diferent kind of dungeons.
    • Mini challenges.
    • 1 Year of server maintenance.

    And more if we can exceed de amount foundation (I dont think so). Registration request is the only method that I Have to control some things like, who is the first player in arrived to the treasure of mythos?

  • cant play :/ i need a username n a password?

    Sorry, de registration area UI still in beta right now, please do click y the left arrow to register.

  • Hello everybody!

    I'm very nervous and excited. Finally my first (big) proyect have the posibility of founding by community gamers on Kickstarter. I wanna share that with the scirra community and ask for spread.

    Game (demo) : http://anotherepicadventure.com/

    Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/an ... -adventure

    only for internet browser, free for everybody & make with love.

  • I'm woking in an online game, where I have to logging and manage data from a database, I use the POST method like this:

    My problem is that, in this way, you can access to all the information trough the navigator, so, you can attack the database easily

    How can I prevent this??


  • Hi Odin,

    HTML elements like textbox, dropdown are always rendered on top of other C2 content - see the manual.

    The only way you can hide them is by rendering them invisible or moving them away from the visible window.


  • I'm not sure if this problem is a bug or simply I don't know how to solve it.

    If I put a check box in a layer 0 and create a superior layer call it 1, and I put in this layer a sprite that it hide the check box I can see how the sprite cover perfectly the text box and other elements inside construct2, but when rendered the scene the sprite hide all elements under it except the text box.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • That is perfect for you:


    Part two is control access. If this not help, better ask in a php forum.

    I work with SmartFox, all learned by myself with google and testing.

    I'm not a expert with mysql sentences but I think I can do this.


  • Anybody have a suggestion?

  • Hello,

    I'm working in a game where the players have to loggin and they connect through ajax/PHP to a MySQL database, and then they get all the game stats. My problem is that in this very moment I can't avoid that 2 (or more) people connect to the same player account, so I want to verify if someone is allready connected to avoid to make simmultaneous connections.

    I thought to put a value in the database table called "connected" as token, so then, when the player is connected I changed the value to 1 (or true) but I don't know how to change it to 0 (or false) when the player loggout or close the navigator, so it keeps allways "connected".... My server is a normal web server (for the moment), so I can't install any application...

    Any ideas?

    thanks for your help.

  • Finally i found the error. The php code need "header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");" in their header

    Rookie mistake , thanks for the help.

  • NaN means Not a Number. Save the output in a text variable and check what it says. Also I would suggest to use PDO rather than mysqli.

    If I change the variable to text the return is "" too, I think the problem is in the request but I can't find the error.

  • yeah remove the single qoutes in the data entry.

    Resulting in : "distanceTotal="&distanciaTotal

    To add more


    Result would look like


    Hello again, first of all so many thanks you !!

    It seems I can connect properly to send data to mysql db, my problem now is that I can't acces to data from the db!! My problem now is in the loging.

    My construct call is this:

    "http://myweb.com/myproject/php/login.php?nombreUsuario=" & nombreUsuario & "&passUsuario=" & passUsuario[/code:3dvx20px]
    An this is my php wich is actually working properly (i tested it):
    	// Variables 
    	$nombreUsuario = $_GET['nombreUsuario'];
    	$passUsuario = $_GET['passUsuario'];
    	// Check connection
    	if (mysqli_connect_errno())
    	 echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
    	$qz = "SELECT idUsuario FROM usuarios_aep where nombreUsuario='".$nombreUsuario."' and passUsuario='".$passUsuario."'" ;
    	$qz = str_replace("\'","",$qz);
    	$result = mysqli_query($con,$qz);
    	if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    		while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
    			echo $row["idUsuario"];
    	} else {
    		echo "Error al acceder a los datos: " . mysqli_error($con);
    I try to get as data "idUsuario" and I save this id in a variable, but when I run my project in debug mode the content of that variable is NaN (not a Number). I'm not sure what is happening, any idea??