oceldot's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for your suggestion. Any idea why this could happen?

    Luckily I'm using Dropbox, and was able to open a version of the project file dating a day or two back. I think I saved some work there, as system restore suggested a week or so back.

  • Can't find it

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  • Problem Description

    I'm starting to get quite annoyed by this to be honest. I have basically since I started using Construct had issues opening up my project after closing the program. Usually I have been able to open an automatically saved backup, but now I can't even do that. Is there anything you can help me with? I can't find any other files and I don't want to start all over again

    Attach a Capx



    Description of Capx

    My project file and an automatically saved backup, none of which I'm able to open anymore.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open any of the files

    Observed Result

    Error message:


    Expected Result

    File opens

    Affected Browsers


    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 7 SP 1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 173

    Edit: As for the file mentioned in the error message, I can't find the folder named cap4KKIJ.

    Sorry if the names are confusing. "Balls Deep" was the working title. Now it is "(R)evolve", which I changed in Construct, but I still continued saving in the folder for "balls deep" if that clears anything up.

  • they should not be nested inside the first condition.

    on mouse clicked add 1 to difficulty

    if difficulty =1 set animation frame to 1 and set system difficulty to medium

    if difficulty =2 set animation frame to 2 and set system difficulty to hard

    if difficulty =0 set animation frame to 3 and set system difficulty to easy

    if difficulty is => 3 set difficulty to 0

    Now I get it. Thanks a lot

  • Maybe I misunderstood something.

    This is what I tried:


    The default global variable Difficulty="Easy", while the default value for the variable Difficulty on the object DifficultyIcon=1. Frame 0=Easy, Frame 1=Medium, Frame 2=Hard. Howeverm this doesn't seem to be doing anything.

  • Just add an instance variable example "clicked"

    on clicked add 1 to "clicked"

    if clicked =o button =default

    if clicked =1 button = state 1



    if clicked = or bigger than 4 set clicked to 0

    Oh, adding to a variable on each click... I was trying with all kinds of combinations using variables, but didn't try to actually add a number each click.

    Thanks, I'll give it a try!

  • I'm trying to create a button that will toggle between three states (default=state1, clicked once=state2, clicked twice=state3 and if clicked again, back to state1).

    This is easy if you only have two states, using Else, but I would appreciate a hint about how I can achieve this with more states.

  • Try regenerating the pathfinding obstacle map on start of layout.

    Oh, my bad. I'm sorry, I didn't know that was required. Seems to be working.

  • Problem Description

    Solid objects in one layout will have their collision polys present in the following layout.

    If you have a layout with a solid, and then move to the next level (where this obect is not present), the collision polys will still be there.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    A game I'm working on where you can see this (very annoying) behavoiour.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open layout "1"
    • Move to the next layout by moving both characters to the red square
    • Observe the solid objects in the next layout (the cabin and the gravestones)
    • Move to the next layout again
    • The solid behaviour will be in the next layout, even if the objects themself are not there

    Observed Result

    Collision polys (?) are present in layout even if object itself is not (and the object is not Global)

    Expected Result

    Collision poly should not be there when object is not there

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Installed app Android: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 7 SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 168

  • This is looking more and more as a Construct bug..? I'm about to lose it completely over here, this is driving me insane. Even if I create a new layout without duplicating the "pixel" object seems to be present when I move from the first layout to the other, causing the character that is inside that object's collision polys to get stuck.

    Or am I blind?

  • Comment: you don't need to duplicate your code in every eventsheet. Put common code in a separate eventsheet and Include it in the per-layout eventsheet.

    I'm not sure exactly how I would do that? I mean, I know I can assign the same event sheet to all layouts, but what about when I need to add new functionality that I only want on one of the layouts?

    Or do you mean I should use a separate event sheet on all layouts, and then add another event sheet with all the common functionality and then use the Include event sheet functionality to add to each of the layouts?

    Edit: I believe the last thing I said works quite well. Not sure why I haven't done that before.. Thanks!

  • Impressive stuff, guys.

  • Not sure what the problem is for definite but I think at the start of "layout 3" Dmitry is somehow overlapping a solid because if you move his sprite to the right in the layout then play all 3 levels he moves as he should.

    Still looking

    ***EDIT - The problem is also on "layout 2" if you try to move one of the players to the far left trees he will won't get there as if there is an invisible barrier.

    Yes, thanks, I saw this myself, with the "Pixel" object. It's a mystery..

  • unfortunatly, i havne a free edition and i can't help you.

    if you can describe your problem and attach a little sample, we can help.

    Thanks, not sure exactly how I could easily do that.. You are not able to open it at all? Maybe it's because I'm using Families.

  • I think it originates from the invisible object "Pixel", which is placed in layout "1". But I don't understand why.. it's not global (and not in the other layouts).