Obi554's Forum Posts

  • I'd like to share a simple file I made with a demo of what's happening, but i'm not sure how to upload projects on here.

    Basically the array data is disappearing when I press the button which changes layout. I looked at the array data (entered from the textinput box) for player name while in Debug mode. It enters ok, but as soon as I press the button to load the next layout, the cell is erased.

    The array is global in the objects list. When I set the width to 0 at start, same thing happens.

  • Seems to be working but only if I have 1 entry in the array.

    If I add multiple the textbox shows up empty each time, sometimes shows the last entry I made....not sure why.

    I might just use your first example.

  • Thanks it works now :)

    Instead of typing in the letters to be checked, is it possible to add an array in the field? So that all words in a single array can be checked against the text box entry?

  • Shoukdn't the comparison be 'equal to'.....'1' - perform action

    its nor working for some reason

  • Hi,

    So basically I want to check if a player is using a curse word as part of his name at the start of the game. I have a text box where he enters his game name. I know how to highlight entire words such as "curse1" but not words that are hidden in the middle of words, like "Name1Curse1Name2".

    I'd like to bring up a message if "Curse1" is hidden in the middle of a name like above.


    In Textinput1 check to see if entered text contains the word or string "Curse1"


    Textbox1 shows message - word is not permitted.

  • The ajax isn't working properly when I try to link array loading to a global variable.

    I think it needs to be in sequence:

    ajax on "array" completed > array - load from json string ajax.lastdata

    When I try to link it to a global variable, nothing happens in game preview.

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to do the following from the below event:

    If textinput1.text="word" > perform action

    My aim is to highlight the 'or' and perform an action based on whether this is true or not. So I need it as a condition.

    Is this possible?

    Many thanks.

  • correct

  • no, i use the c3 array editor to add all data.

  • I'm not sure what's wrong. You can see as soon as I press the button to switch between layouts the information from the previous layout is shown but quickly disappears, like the info in the array is being emptied.

    I dont understand.

  • Hi,

    So my game starts on the character creation page. When the player presses the 'next' button the following page loads.

    But the choices the character has made on the previous layout are not showing/transferring to the text boxes of the following layout when it loads in preview.

    The data is stored in a single array, and it seems like the data is being reset each time a new layout is loaded.

  • Hi,

    If a player types his name into a text box, how do I set an event to automatically capitalize the first letter of his name, before storing inside array?


  • thanks it works now :)

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  • oh i c

  • So do I put all the values I want to use inside the same box separated by | ?

    I'm a bit confused.

    I know you or someone else helped me with the | expression a while back but I can't find the original topic anywhere which is frustrating. I remember I understand from that post but because it's been a while I forgot.
