nutmix's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, thats very handy.

  • Libraries would be great for lots of projects to share common code, e.g. the scalling and landscap/portrat handilng which is that horror known as mobile, or error message display, or debug output, or ajax server communication code.

    Currently you have to re-enter everything in all projects to add a common feature.

    The only way to see if R100 fixed the problems in R95 with mobile handset handling is to install it, which means uninstalling the old version (as per instructions). Having learnt my lesson, I have now borrowed a second laptop to test Beta versions. I did not think R100 would render the game unplayable, as R99 was rock solid - my bad.

  • Hi, when you buy construct 2, you get an asset pack with images and sound. Can these be used in commercial games without royalties etc?

  • If you have 30+ projects which are skinned variations on a single game, you have to maintain 30+ code bases.

    If a library event sheet or objet is improved or a bug fixed, 30+ projects have to be manually updated, and retested in case a typo was made.

    Also, if you do a load of work in say R100, find a showstopping bug, and have to go back to say R95, you have to recreate your weeks of work in R95. (im now faced with probably a weeks work to revert back, and retest everything).

    It would be great to be able to cut and past objets (such as sprites) keeping their instance variables and names.

    It would be great to be able to cut and paste events and actions, without it rejecting it becase the object doesnt exist in the new project, even though you have created the object with the same name.

    Perhaps a Library folder in the project explorer?

    I alibrary item can have objects, layouts + entire event sheets (or at least some events and actions). Ideally the library item re-freshes itself from disk when you load the project, and one library item can be shared across projects.

  • So ive got a project with image sprites with lots of instance variables, and lots of code in various event sheets, layouts and layers.

    Many of my projects are skinned variations on a game. I need to be able to share code in some way. I can cut and paste images between projects, but lose the instance variables.

    I can cut and past actions, but this never works as it always says the objects dont exist even though I created the same objects with the same names in the new project.

    Is there a handy way to do this?

    To have to manually enter all the event sheets, assets and layouts for common items (of which there are a lot) is not ideal. Also, if I improve or fix a bug one of the "library" items, I have to manually edit each correpsponding event sheet in 30+ projects, and retest them all just in case I made the construct 2 equivalent of a typo.

    The other real problem is when you find a show stopping bug in the current version (e.g. crop full screen mode broken in R100), you ahve to go back to a previous version, which means having to re-create all your work done in R100 in say R95. Is there any way to do this?

    Do people manually hack the XML files from the mutli-file project save?

  • I have tested a one image capx on R95 on another computer, and can confirm its R100 which breaks crop mode completely.

    I abandoned my projects, and started from scratch again in R95 (Stupidly I didnt save in R95 when I upgraded).   The problem is that many people post capx examples in R99 or R100, and to run these, I have to uninstall R95, install R100, run it, then unistall R100, and reinstall R95. Each time I do this I ahve to put back the HTML template changes to get mobile phone browsers to work.

    Please someone acknowlege this bug, or if I can provide more examples please let me know.

  • I could not get

    (Event A


    Condition B)


    Condition C

    to work, I so I altered the programs logic to work with

    Event A

    -- Condition B


    -- condition C

  • Thanks sqiddster this is a big help.

    However, for mobile, letterbox scale full screen is not acceptable by any of our customers. We are struggingly to find any way to use C2 to produce a mobile version which will work with multiple mobile screen sizes without the black bars. We thougth the answer was to use crop then do the proportional scaling manually then add some floating buttons, but crop mode screws up the text and renders it unreadable on FF and Chrome(IE is ok). Bug raised.

    The only way to suport serveral mobile sizes without black crop bars we can see is to create many serparate games, one for each size (about 40 in total), or create many layouts, most with different images in differnet sizes and pick the right one (which is going to be big and slow to download)

    I am guessing that noone has used C2 to produce a multi-handset mobile game without big black bars.

  • I just did the same test with a static peice of text, and disabled the event (So its a project with one static text box and nothing else)

    Check this screen shot and note the horror:

    FF and Chrome still render the text incorrectly if you put the URL into a fresh browser (i.e. no resizing), and do horrible things to it when you resize (which I could probably live with, as on mobile you dont resize, only change landscape).

    On chrome, if you make the browser much bigger than the window size, you lose the middle bar of the "E" in the static text "test TEXT"

    FF is worse - even if you make the browser smaller than the projects screen/layout size, it still shrinks and screws up the text and its unreadable, even after refreshing.

    i have a 30" monitor, so I can make the browser windows much bigger than 960 high in this case).

    If possible, PLEASE let me know if this is only in R100, or if this is a feature of all of C2.

  • I created a 1 event project with a screen size and frame size of 640x960, put a centered text item in the middle, and wrote the screen size to it using:

    System Every Tick -> Text Set text to "Screen size:"&WindowWidth&"x"&WindowHEight.

    In IE 9, the font & scale of the resultant output text does not change, and if you resize the browser many times, then hit refresh, the text stays in the same place - i.e. it works perfectly

    Now do the same with FF 14.0.1. The text grows and shrinks (it should not scale in crop mode), and becomes pixilated and unreadable.   After some changing of size, you hit refresh, the text Jumps to the center and changes font & scaling, but is still broken and pixilated.

    capx here:

    chrome is just as bad. It scales the text horribly when it should not scale it at all. When you refresh, it puts the text back roughly to the right size, but its still broken up and pixlated (not a proper render of the font, with the "S" from Screen size having a gap in the middle.

    Is this a bug in R100, or are all versions like this?

    For 2 weeks I have been trying to find a way of getting construt 2 to work on varied mobile screen sizes without the letterbox black bars. I was hoping to use crop mode and do the scaling manually, but if the text wont render in a readable manner then I cant think of any more options :(

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  • I get this problem with R99 and R100. If I take my very basic app, rotate it a few times, I then get a black blank screen, and have to reload.

    I can reproduce on ipad2 and iphone4

    It happens after 2 or three switches of orientation.

    My app uses scale with letter box, and just diplays some sprites. I made a blank project with nothing but a backgroud image, and get the same problem.

    This is pretty serious.

  • To support different mobile window sizes and orientaionts, we need to find out what the browsers availiable size is.

    displaying the "WindowWidth" and "WindowHeight" always just returns the hard coded window size in your project settings, not the availble browser size, no matter which of the "full screen in browser" options you select.

    Any ideas how to do this?


  • Hi, if a game has say 10 layouts, are they all loaded before the game starts, even if some will never be used?

    To support mobile, I am looking at one strategy which is to have 10+ layouts for different screen sizes and orientations.   Will they all be downloaded, even if not used? IS there a way to change this behavior (e.g. test the screen size & features, then only load the required layout)

    If the layouts all use the same objects (e.g. the sprites are simply copied across all layouts, with different positions), what are the overheads in terms of:

    1) download size

    2) perfomrnace? E.g. if you animate a sprite, will it animate on all 10 layouts, even if only one layout is active?


  • Hi Guys, which of these should be used to do stuff before the game loads? What is the difference between them? I.e. when would one use:

    1) on start of layout

    2) on end of layout

    3) on loading finished?

    E.g. If I want to grab the screen size and change the window size, should this be done on loading finished,at start of layout or end of layout, or does it not matter?

  • Sorry, I wasnt looking for the post - I have the capx. Im just looking for a solution.

    If I work out how to do it I will post it.