nutmix's Forum Posts

  • Brilliant!


  • The game has a lot of tunable parameters.

    Currently these are hard coded in global variables, which is bad.

    I was hoping the dictionary would have a load from file or similar.

    Is there any way in C2 to read settings from a file at runtime, so that testers/designers can modify the parameters?

    There dont seem to be any objects in C2 to read any resources (images, sprites, files, XML) from a URL.

  • i still get this error randomly when posting to the how to forum:

    Error Error
    Only members with sufficient permission can access this page.
    A security error has occurred with authentication.
    Please ensure that all cookies are enabled on your web browser, you are not using a saved or cached copy of the page, and your Firewall/Proxy settings are not hiding or masking your IP address.

    Its driving me mad becuase I spend an hour writing and researching an issue, hit post, and get this. Then I cant go back - ive lost all the work.

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  • Hi, I have been detecting swipe left/right/up/down the old manual way.

    I see there is an AngleAt and a "compare touch speed".

    How does one use AngleAt? Its not in the touch objects actions, and its not a valid expression if you say "compare two values" and put in AngleAt.

    What is the parameter for "Compare touch Speed". Is it m/s, km/h, pixels/s or similar? I.e. what should I put in there to detect any kind of swipe, e.g. >0?


  • Brilliant!

  • Hi C2, Do you know when approx the next stable release is planned?

    If its soon, ill start new project with R102, if its not ill stick with R95.

    Is there a provisioal list of features planned for next stable release (delta from current stable release)?


  • installed 102 on spare pc, works in 102.


  • Kyatric, thanks for the capx, just downloaded R102 to try it. What im actually trying to do is to have 2 layouts which create objects which have been sized on the layout (rather than sized dynamically), and one event sheet to handle both (i.e. both objects have to have the same name).

    Im trying to think of a way to do this without parameters and functions. Perhaps an array of object names, indexed by the layout name? Can construct 2 store pointers to objects? You cant seem to create objects by name or similar.

    I really dont want to have to duplicate and maintain the identicle except for object name code for portrait and landscape for 30+ games.

    Ashley suggested an interesting optoin - put both portrait and landscape on one layout, but I cant quite see how this will work in crop mode. Anyone got a handy capx with something like this in? Or perpahs to get round the anchor issue, I create 20+ portrait & landscape versions, on one massive layout, one for each target resolution? Id rather duplicate designs than code.

    Its quite hard working with a screen on a layout without using the dotted window lines and zero offest which would only work for one of the views - for the other views on the same layout you would be designing with no guides. Do people create a large background in photoshop with dotted guide lines on it or similar for multiple layouts on one layout?

  • It doesnt work for me on chrome either. Im using chrome 21.0.1180.89 on windows 7 pro 64 bit. Im 100% sure there is no network, as skype goes off line and I cant brows to any page after pulling the plug and wifi.

    Does it work for anyone else?

    Im accepting that popup wich asks if you want to use offline mode.

  • Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback. Note, for mobile there is no suitable wrapper - I have to use crop mode with a large background, anchor key elements such as buttons and HUD, and then use my own scaling algorithm for the center game elemnts. Letterbox scaling black bars, especially in landscape where most of the screen becomes black, are not an option.

    Separate portrait and landscape layouts are a must have, as the buttons possitions and other items have to move from the bottom to the side.

    Ashley, how can this be done on one layout? My strategy is that I design for iphone4, then scale layers up or down or not depening on the target platform (e.g. for ipad 2 I dont scale - I use iphone 4 layout as ipad is fatter), and make sure the backgroupd image is large enought (i.e. 1024). For PC i disable the scaling, and export as fixed size and layout.

    If portrait and landscape have differnt item anchor points, I dont think this can be done with a single layout?

    Also, I have to have swipe left and right for settings and info. I have managed to get a prototype of this using a fixed layout 3x the window size, but this wont work if the target device has different resolution so Im still trying to figure this one out.

  • I work remotely, and upload 10-20 versions a day so the design teams can see what feature look like, and chose how they want it etc, and so the remote test teams can test new versions.

    I agree this would be low priority, unless it turned out more people wanted it. I would much rather have user creatable events!

    I dont mind you saying no - just giving feedback. Perhaps version R300...

  • Currently, I export as a HTML5 website, then fire up filezilla, then ftp up the locally exported game to a public test server. I do this a lot.

    It would be very handy (but not high priority) to have a "FTP HTML5 web site" option in the C2 exporter to save this step. Dreamweaver for example has this, and I use it constantly.

    I could live with only one FTP site being defined at a time, but obviously a fuller solution would be to:

    1) allow multiple ftp sites to be setup (dev and test for example).

    2) allow passive or active

    3) allow non standard ports (I dont use this but someone might)

    4) possibly handle SFTP (much more work and dont know how many people use this)

    It would be fine to transfer everyting in binary mode.

  • If you create a project and import 1 sprite, e.g. crater.

    If you have two layouts, e.g. layout 1 for portrait and layout 2 for landscape.

    Both layouts have the same event sheet (as they are the same game, just different object positions and sizes.)

    We copy the objects from layout 1 to layout 2, and all is good.

    Well not quite.

    For some reason I dont yet understand, when I do System->create object->crater in layout 1s event sheet, it uses the (resized) copied crater object from layout 2, not the existing one from layout 1.

    This goes against what people are telling me about the scope of ojects in C2 - that they are local to the layout.

    Here is a capx which demonstrates the issue - the created crater should be small and square, not the stretched one from layout 2.

    Its just a project with 2 layouts. The crater object was dragged to layout 1 to create a sprite ouside the window area. then it was copied (cut and copy) to layout 2, and resized. Then in layout 1, when we create a crater object, it ignores the crater object in its local layout, and grabs the one from layout 2.

    The issue is that without the ability to copy & resize objects and refer to the correct one in a single event sheet, I cant think of a way to implement portrait and landscape versions of the same game (a requirement for mobile html5 games), without duplicating all the code and renaming the corresponding sprites to get local versions. Any ideas?

  • I had my input for various states and layouts spread over several event sheets to keep things organised. I have rewritten the project to fit in with this - i.e. all input in as few sheets as possible, then disabling the various appropriate groups.

    The ability to disable touch & click input on sprites and/or layers would be very very useful in a number of cases in my games at least. Button sprites that you cant disable are difficult to manage, and require a number of globals which are generally not good practice

  • Here is a published page which doesnt seem to work for me:

    And here is the 2 line capx:

    Perhaps Im using it incorrectly?