I want to make 5 elements which will be pinned and'll look and move like a snake.
I also want it to colide and go on it (so it can change it's appearance).
Sorry for my English
I asked 3 times and still don't know how to make sprite shaking!
May I have to click on property like "set shaking: T/F"?
Please help me.
I don't how does it work!
Can sb make a small program pls?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
When I change button into invisible I can't click on it in game!
I made:
Button---is checked------->set cursor to "wait"
And nothing happens when i check this button!
I would like to delete sth like sprite only from window, not from game
I can't do it! How?
How to make screen shaking?
Hey, can You tell me if I need a firm to upload my game on Google Play?
I'm asking because every game I saw has got a company name displayed on beginning.
I need time to go by - no regard for changing layers.
Sorry for my English.
Hi, I'm Lucas and I want to make funny games.