NobalChase's Forum Posts

  • ok so i put my AI on a turret and idk how to make it stop moving i only need the turrent so it can shoot at my player any ideas for help thanks also heres a screenshot of what it looks like

    http ://

    ---PS there is a space where the http ://puu is bc i cont have enough creds to post links

    Scrrenshot of my Event Sheet

    http ://

  • still didn't work hmmmmm........... thanks 4 the suggestion

  • ok so i did that but now the bullets arent shhoting this is my set up WHATS WRONG.!?!?!?! ugggg.......

    http ://

  • This is my Origin http :// and this is my image point http ://

  • So Y doesn't this work http :// My concordance for my bullet spawn is X -1 and Y 79 for the image-point on the enemy character and now when i go to test the game the bullets dont even spawn? Help

  • So how would i prevent it from getting hit>?

  • Have you Downloaded the file with the backgrounds and such from the website it will give u animation,Backrounds and much more or you could just google them

  • ok so this will be hard to explain but ill try my best...... Ok so i need to fix this problem i made a AI and i set my options so when a bullet hits it- it will be hit or destroyed but..... i also want it to shoot a bullet at my player so i set up a surrent within the enemy AI and when i walk near the AI it shoots itself i dont no how to fix this if anyone can help me it will be Very Appreciated Thank You!

    Also this is my picture of the setup of the Event Sheet 1 Thanks again

    http ://


  • How can i make a AI that with shoot bullets at me andtarget me and try to doge bullets

  • Thank YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant even express my thanks but thank have helped me out a bunch!!!!!

  • HELP so i want to mirror my person and i set up my commands to be like -- Keyboard_Right arrows down--- set animation (and it would be mirrored like i wanted it to be) BUT THEN when i test my game and i move my Player left and right the player glitches up into the air and like then falls out of the map.......Could any1 understand or relate to what im saying and help me in some way PLEASE!!!!!!! THANKS 4 READING THIS AND HELPING ME VERY MUCH APPRECIATED.

  • My Main question is what is the best size for mobile phones what would i choose when Im asked to pick a template

    EX -- (6:9) or (4:3) also what is the best Template to choose in resolution 720p? 1080p? or SD Please Help Im brand new to the community and have just bough the Personal Addiction of construct 2


  • My Main question is what is the best size for mobile phones what would i choose when Im asked to pick a template

    EX -- (6:9) or (4:3) also what is the best Template to choose in resolution 720p? 1080p? or SD Please Help Im brand new to the community and have just bough the Personal Addiction of construct 2


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks dude!!!!

  • So i recently bought the construct 2 personal addition and i was wondering in the Templates about whats the difference between picking a - Landscape or a - Portrait and if so could u tell me which is best and what they do
