nimos100's Forum Posts

  • But how would you do it otherwise?

  • Isn't possible to stop depending from List as DOM object?

    Not sure I know what you mean?

    The idea was simply to link a list to spritefonts so you can use the functionality of a list through spritefonts. But feel free to change it to what you need.

  • But the excitement of them was dimmed by the darkness and boredom of making a friggin tutorial! Why didn't I just make a pdf and inlcuded it as a manual! GRRR!

    Yeah this is not going to happen for me either, might make a manual otherwise it will be learn by doing and some in game help

  • Update:

    Working a bit with creating a character sheet and made it so it can now be opened from anywhere in the game, and at the same time replaced the skill lists with sprite list which is a nice improvement I think as it gives it a more consistent look. However the character sheet took a bit longer than expected as some of the old code needed to be updated and there are still lacking some features.

  • Not sure how you made it, but you can add strings together.

    So if you have 3 parts (Strings), you can do Combined_text = Part_1 & " " & Part_2 & " " Part_3 and then you store the combined text.

    Another way is to use a list and you just store all the parts there as elements and then you use that to add them all together like above and then store the result in a Dictionary. Then you can just use the key in the dictionary to get the page of text when you need it.

  • Was wondering what people hate the most when working on a game, its not related to C2 in particular, but more in general, like making graphic, sound and so on?

    For me its definitely making game menus absolutely hate it, take a long time and is so boring

  • DEMO:

    I guess im not the only one that would like to use lists made of spritefonts instead of the normal lists that comes with C2. Since I needed them for my own game I decided to see how I could do it. So if anyone need something similar you can use this.

    I have made It so it can be place anywhere on the layout and should work without changing any code, I have also made it so it can be copy/pastes into any project, it simply need to have "function" available.


    Found some bugs that made It not work when size of the list was increased, it have been fixed now.

  • nimos100 just tell the game to wait 1*dt seconds or 0.016 seconds, both are just 1 (ONE) tick worth of waiting. Don't know any human on this planet that can be bothered of having to wait 1/60 of a second for something. do you? xD

    Yes me

    Just kidding , I agree the problem is not really the wait in it self even if you use a wait of 0.1 its equal to 6 ticks if im not mistaken, so its hardly noticeable, so its not really a problem. The problem is that wait in it self even If it only have a duration of 1 tick can cause problems that can screw up things.

    Here is an example:

    [quote:2lh8k2e3]Repeat 10 times

    ------- Call function("Spawn enemy")

    Function Spawn enemy

    Create enemy()

    Call function ("initialize enemy")

    Function Initialize enemy

    Call function ("Create enemy weapon")

    Function Create enemy weapon

    Create Enemy_weapon

    Then suddenly things starts to go wrong as I see it.

    Because now there are actually two objects that doesn't exist yet, The Enemy and the Weapon that you want it to use. So if you throw in a Wait different places to solve it, It might work. However at the very start we are actually repeating this 10 times, to create 10 enemies which will then create 10 different weapons, so suddenly you might have 20 objects that actually doesn't exist, and then it seems to go wrong. Whether that's completely true im not 100% sure about, but it seems that a function doesn't count as a top level, which I find to be logic if its the case, but I haven't seen anything saying that it ain't which is why im not certain.

    I solved this by implementing an object handler which I use every time you would otherwise use a wait. This completely replaces the need for using waits, except for this problem with behaviours because it runs after all "Events" so in that case it cant solve it. But since I didn't knew that was how C2 handles behaviours, I thought my object handler could just fix it as well, but now that I know how C2 handles behaviours it makes perfect sense that it doesn't work with them. But since I made a work around for that as well, I can or should just be able to do that if I have problems with behaviours again, but I haven't actually had any problems with them except for the pin one, so doubt it will be a huge problem.

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  • [quote:2hjuguqp]What Ashley mentions is that the behaviours become more noticeable with 2 pins. But there is pin lag and it's in C2 architecture. But by all means if you feel it's a bug. Fill one out.

    The order as I think I understand it is



    I don't think its a bug, that's why I added it as a suggestion here. But I see what you mean and think you are correct that its because the Pinned objects is not actually moved before all other actions are done. So guess its not possible unless that got changed and doubt that its going to happen

  • Wait action is my fav work around

    Im not happy with the Wait solution so that's a no go for me, I don't want to slow down my game on purpose . And have solved it without using wait, so its just that I thought it could be possible and just curious if it could be done, as the work around is just a lot more complicated, than putting in a wait.

  • nimos100

    Already been asked

    You will just have to use a work around.

    Im not really sure its the same, It a bit difficult to see I think. Because Ashley writes:

    [quote:3jpifp5g] As you can see from this modified example there is no lag at all if you only use a single pin:.........

    .............The problem comes from using two behaviors at once.......and the second pin updates before the first

    So it sounds like this have to do with two pin behaviours, but this example is only using 1.

  • [quote:iulvo9u3]what you're doing with the "wait x seconds" actions, is effectively tell the game to wait for tick 1 to finish, at which point green's locations is stored at the destination.

    Yeah I know. However "Pin" is a behaviour so there must be some code behind it, which C2 uses to tell it that this particular object needs to be stuck to another object. So when you use the functionality to move an object to a new location there again must be some code in C2 that does that. If that code got expanded so if the object it tries to move is flagged as being pinned or having objects pinned, it could be possible for it to move all the objects which it involves before finishing the code. My guess is that the functionality that move any object in C2 just take 1 object and move it to wherever it needs to and it do that for each object in turns.

    So when the parent have moved all the children then get flagged as also having to move and it then happens again for each of these. It just happens so fast that it seems like it all happening at the same time. But I don't see why it wouldnt be possible to extend the "C2 move object functionality" to check for this first. But as I don't know how its done and just guessing I hope that Ashley can explain whether it could be done

  • [quote:2actupvp]are you saying that a 1 tick delay is messing up your game??

    I don't really see how that's relevant, whether its 1 tick or 15 ticks? if something happens in 1 tick that screws up things it will screw up things.

    Its more that its not logic I think and I would assume that it could be done in the same tick. Since it must know how far the parent have moved it should be able to move the children that amount as well.

    Here is an example of the problem.

    Which is pretty simple the green square is getting pinned to the blue parent and moved to 250,250. The purple square is then told to move the green child. The result looks like this.

    If you add a wait it works.

    The last screenshot if you remove the wait, is how it should logically work if you ask me, because as mentioned above if it knows how far the parent moved it should know how far to move each children as well. But im just not sure if its actually possible so that's why I ask

    If you change it to go to the parent it works fine.

  • Would it be possible to update the pin object functionality so when you pin an object to another and you move the parent object, that the child object(pinned object) moves along in the same tick instead of the next one?

  • [quote:2ygxggyq]Haha, I think there is a large gap in the market for old school RPG style games with modern elements.

    I honestly don't think there are a lot of people that remember those games, but the gameplay in them are amazing the only thing I didn't really like about them was they always had level caps which annoyed me, because then you would always have the feeling that you would reach the end soon.

    [quote:2ygxggyq] Any idea on how long until a demo/release or is it an as and when you are done scenario?

    To get the game to a very early personal alpha is not that far away I hope and that is my current goal. But it will be so all the major parts of the game works. Which would be that the player can walk around the map, enter dungeons and cities and engage in fights.

    And at the moment the walk around the map works you can enter dungeons and Dragonhelm is the only city available at the moment that you can enter and interact with while inside, but it is enough that it should be fairly easy to make it so you can enter the rest, which is more a matter of making the cities them self. Then I actually "just" need to make the tactical combat system, with the things that it requires like some enemies.

    Then it would be in a state where it more a matter of expanding the things and fill in all the gaps and make them work. So hopefully I can get to start working on the combat system. Which is only hold up as im doing some fixes to the character sheet, but I hope to be able to complete it today and then ill start working on that.

    But to get the game into the first real alpha that I will release will probably take a bit longer, as I don't want to release it if to many things are off and not working correctly. There is also a lot of work to be done with menus and such still which would make an alpha impossible as it would most likely crash all the time when used wrong.