nimos100's Forum Posts

  • From your description C2 will be more than able to handle that.

  • Could you do this for me please as i am very confused about how this would work and how to do it and could you then post it please and thank you.

    I could, but wouldn't make much sense, since you need to make the graphics and the whole combat system. As I said in the first post, these things are missing, so there is not really anything to help with in that regard. Also you probably want other types of enemies, so you have to make those work as well.

    As Lordshiva suggested, you are better off doing it yourself and try to figure out how to do it. And if you get stuck again you can ask on the forum.

  • Think you have done it wrong then and that's why it doesn't work.

    Here is how you do it:

    Select all zombie by choose it in the projects list on the right side, then change "Set angle = no"

    The bullet angle of motion is written as shown in the image. So you only need 1 action and not 4.

  • Uh, sorry to **** in here, but. Your helpers in this thread missed a *really* obvious solution.

    Put your KeeperBox and SkeletonKeeper in a container together.

    Yeah that a good idea Thumbs up

  • Here is a very simple Capx that shows you how to use a family with a variable, and how you can use it to pick the correct workers in different ways.


  • You cant do that, you have to create each of them individually or use a plugin, Can't remember what its called.

    Otherwise you can create the menu off screen during design time, and just pin them together and move the parent object to correct place. Assuming its a menu that is not suppose to be there all the time?

  • I would suggest that you go through the tutorials, even though you might not have an interest in making those particular things. It will teach you the basics that you need.

    If you just read certain things specific to what you want to make, I think you will confuse yourself more than it will help you. Because those will require that you at least know the basics.

    1. Learn the basic way C2 execute a program.

    2. Learn what objects are and how to use them.

    3. Learn how to pick objects and variables

    4. Learn how to use Loops

    5. Learn functions

    6. Learn how to play sounds.

    7. Make you piano

  • The problem is your picking.

    There are no way for C2 to know which skeleton you are referring to, so it just select all skeletons that match your picking.

    And since you don't actually pick any in the event, but you use "Set skeleton Not Mirrored", it will just select all skeletons. The blue Keeperbox, is not really needed, you might as well just use the skeleton sprite it self. As you will now have twice as many units than needed.

    Anyway the problem is not easily solved, as "bad" picking is something that affect you whole game. Meaning that the structure for picking the correct skeletons are not there, so to fix your problem you have to redesign how these skeletons and Keeperboxes are linked together, so you can pick them correctly.

    So you need to really understand how picking works, otherwise you will keep running into weird problems. Would probably say that's the most important thing to understand in C2 when you start using it. Because if you get it wrong from the start when you create a game, there is a very big chance that you will have to spend a very long time solving problems with it later on.

    This is from a former post I wrote for someone with similar picking problems, maybe that will help you as well.



    System conditions:

    Basic picking:

    [quote:3eq87pq6]It sounds like you (not uncommon) get a bit confused about how picking works in C2.

    But the way you can look at picking of objects is like a sorting or reduction machine.

    Imagine you have 100 workers with the following attributes.

    100 Workers in total

    20 Workers are wearing a red shirt.

    40 Workers are wearing a blue shirt.

    30 Workers are wearing a yellow shirt.

    10 workers are not wearing a shirt.

    30 Workers are between 40 and 50 years old.

    50 Workers are between 20 and 30 years old,

    20 Workers are between 60 and 80 years old (No pension for these poor **********

    Lets say you want all workers wearing blue shirts and that are above 60 year old to either go home or go to lunch.

    So what happens is:

    Pick all Workers : You pick all workers that match the condition that they are workers, in this case all are so its 100. (You don't really need this, its only for the explanation.)

    Workers must have blue shirts : This will reduce the number to 40 workers.

    Workers must be older than 60 : Depending on how many of those 40 workers matching this you will get a new number that further reduce or sort the amount of workers matching the former condition. Lets assume that its 15 workers.

    Now we cant reduce the amount anymore and we have found all the workers that match all our conditions. And since we want them to either go home or to lunch, and don't care how many goes where. We can do the following.

    For each Worker : This will go through each of the 15 remaining workers and tell each of them to either go home or to lunch.

    Go home or Go to Lunch

    So that's pretty much how it works whenever you pick objects, that you keep reducing or sorting them until those that remains fit whatever you want. And then if you want them to do different things you throw a "For each" at the end and then the options they have afterwards.

  • I wouldn't just store everything in a file, it would make it unnecessary complicated I think.

    So only data that you can control. Meaning you know output and input so its easier to read it.

    That way you can make a function that can parse the data after you have read it from the file. Here is an example that someone made of a simple parser, that I think you could use to create it. But still I would suggest that you make it so the player can only save and load between levels. And only display setting, controls etc are stored in a config file. I wouldn't store level and player name and so on.

    Anyway here is the tutorial (Simple parser):

  • Well the easiest way, is to just make it so the player can't save during the level. But only after or before a level. Wouldn't that solve your problem? So make the save button in the menu where they choose next level or maybe make it do it automatically.

    But yeah in my example with Dragonhelm you could cheat, but I don't have a problem with that in the games I make, if people want to cheat they can cheat as much as they like. I don't make competitive games anyway

  • nimos100

    I want the player to at least start the highest level where he/she last played and which hasn't been cleared yet.

    About the config file, so what do I have to use? You did not specify in your first reply so I search by myself and I found webstorage and Dictionary. Please do specify if you have another better method in mind. Much appreciated. Thanks.

    Not 100% sure what you mean, if the player load an old game, they will continue from where they left off, ain't that what you want?

    Anyway here is a very simple example of how to save to a file, that I made some time ago, for another post I think.

    It just store some text in a file.

    I don't have an example from the load data. Except from Dragonhelm, so it might seem a bit crazy.

    In the game all dungeons are random generated, and to make it so players can re-enter them, I store them in files, so I can load them in again. So the load function in the screenshot, read the file. Which would look like this for the tiles of the dungeon.

    Each number then represent a certain tile, and it will read through the file, until it reach an "" (Blank space) and from this it can rebuild the dungoen.

    What you can do, is to save the settings to a file, and then read in each setting you need and update it in the game, at the "Start of layout", as I have done in my game.

    Don't get scared off by my load example. It doesn't have to be like that. Just add the NodeWebKit functionality. But for some reason the help document for it, seems to just link to where you can download it. which is not very useful when you want to learn it I guess

    But maybe there is a tutorial that will tell you how to load files simply. Otherwise let me know, and I can try to make something simple to show it.

  • But if you want to make save games, there are a build in action in C2 that you can use. Its in the system -> Save and Load. It will save the game in its full state.

    If you want to store for instant display settings, controls etc. I would personally just make a file that you read each time the game starts. And save any changes to this.

    A lot of games today will have a config file, where they store varies settings. so it would be like that.

    Regarding your examples, I cant tell if that will work. You will just have to test it

  • Add key will as I remember either set a key if it already exist or it will create one for you with the value chosen. Where as set key will just set a already existing key, and if there are none it will do nothing. So if want to "fill" your dictionary you just need to use Add key and in theory you can simply use it for every thing, you don't really have to use the set key at all.

  • Depending on how your deal is, meaning its going to be a contract for a fixed amount or just hour based, the size of the game etc.

    If I were you I would just write up all the features that client want, like:

    1 Map

    2 player support

    Have to make sound

    Have to make graphic (animations or stills, Quality etc.)

    Save/load functionality

    Web integration

    and so on.

    And then estimate how long you would have to spend on each part, and based on that and how much you would prefer to be paid for a hour of work, you will get some estimate of the final price. If you do this privately you have to take into account, all the benefits that you would normally get from working at a company that you don't get, if you work as freelance. The "normal" benefits will of course differ from country to country. But will give you a higher price per hour.

    If your idea is to primarily use the game to promote yourself, rather than making money on it, you can of course just lower the cost, so the client is more likely to accept it etc, and in the end you can use it to maybe get more customers.

    Anyway that's roughly how I do it, when doing freelance work, and it works fine for me as you wont suddenly feel that you are working for free, or that you are screwing the customer. But if you work on a fixed contract, you might end up having estimated wrong, regarding some of the things, forgotten some and so on. So I would suggest really spending a good amount of time, making sure that you have gotten all the features down and made part of you estimation, and ofc make it a lot more detailed than my example above

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  • Every time you restart the game all variable will, by default be as they were set, by you in C2. If you want to keep them the same after you change them during runtime, you have to make a functionality that can load the changed settings. There are some different ways to do it, as I recall, so think the best you can do, is to start searching the manual and learn about the different ways and see what suits you best.

    Try to check save/load from file and see if that's what you need.