Nepeo's Forum Posts

  • tgenedavis Glad you like!

    When we leave the initial beta we're planning to run multiple release channels ( stable, beta, nightly, etc. ), so you'll still be able to try the more bleeding edge version if you like... or the newest working one if we break something you need! It does happen

  • Check out the releases page

  • AuShadow for #1 on my test device the popup window doesn't cause the editor window to close. I expect chrome is closing the main tab to reduce memory usage...

    Best work around I can suggest is to save to the local browser storage first so that you at least have a saved copy before you try to authenticate a cloud service. The other suggestion I can give is that I believe access tokens on dropbox don't expire unless revoked by the user, so you would only have to authenticate once.

  • martdsam I appreciate it can be pretty frustrating, if I'm completely honest the issues with google play services are not something we'd anticipated and the fixes look like they could be time consuming.

    We're going to do a quick patch using the user agent change and I will also provide some debugging assistance for you via GitHub. Hopefully this will solve the problem for the time being until we have enough spare man hours to revamp the plugin.

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  • NetOne Good suggestion, I've logged it in our tracker

  • Ninjadoodle folder support isn't complete yet. The editor has some limited understanding of folders, but doesn't show them in the file dialog so they aren't really usable. We are working on it though

  • Keep an eye on the release notes...

  • The build progress should switch to "attaching to iPhone 7 simulator" and then the simulator will appear.Do you have the correct target and device selected? The target should be the name of your project NOT CordovaLib.

    Yeah xcode is... let's say complicated. It has a lot of moving parts, and producing a build is quite complicated. To push a build onto a device you need a developer account ( think that's around 90 dollars ). Sign into xcode (downloading certs in the process). You then need to generate a provisioning profile specific to your application which includes the uuid of your testing device, and then build using that provisioning profile to your device.

    That's the simplified version of testing only, creating an IPA / publishing to the store is more involved.

  • On the top left of xcode, next to the "play" and "stop" buttons there's a small drop down that allows you to select a device. This can be either a connected device, a "build only" device or a simulator. Select a simulator and hit the play button. You'll then have to wait a few minutes for the sim to start up after the build completes, it'll appear as a black screen with the apple icon on while it's starting up. Be patient with it! Once the simulator is running you can run and launch things much faster, but if you close the simulator you'll have to wait through the start up procedure again.

    If your simulator is appearing massive or cut off you can change the size of the simulator by going to "window" > "scale" on the top menu.

  • we have had a couple of reports of "laggy" behaviour still, thanks for confirming them with some hard numbers! I'm going to have a look through the process, just to make sure the plugins are definitely not being added. If not... well it's going to require some profiling!

  • justifun looks like a slick little server. I was actually thinking about a similar idea the other day, really like the fact you can set up multiple port mappings through the same UI.

  • Hi all, I'm the developer for the save system and I'm happy to answer any questions you have. I'll try to answer everything which has been asked here, but let me know if I missed anything.

    Firstly I'd like to mention that Google Drive behaves differently to Dropbox and OneDrive. All 3 services feature a "application mode" which gives an application access to a special folder on a users cloud storage specific to that application, instead of general storage. For user piece of mind this is obviously preferable. However, we decided that users should always be able to access their projects outside of the C3 editor, and unfortunately Google Drive does not allow this in when in "application mode". So we only use it for Dropbox and OneDrive.

    We are planning to implement folders, and some work has been done towards this for Google Drive. But it's still some way away. At the moment any file with a capx or c3p extension in your Google Drive will be visible in the Cloud Dialog regardless of if it's in a subfolder. So can in fact move the files into a subfolder using the Google Drive website, and when you attempt to save to it next it will stay in that subfolder. Any new project will be created at the root of the project.

    It's also worth noting that I'm currently hunting down a bug where either some or all files don't appear in the dialog when first shown. I'm not 100% sure what's causing this but I think it might be a problem on google's part. It can generally be fixed by clicking the refresh button at the top of the editor. It also stops once your Google Account session has "warmed up" for some reason, I only see it immediately after selecting an account ( this session lasts for an hour ).

    Finally matriax the Browser Local saves exist in a special database on your hard drive controlled by the browser, and they do not appear as files on your computer. It's not possible to get access to the normal filesystem via the browser ( for user security ). However, in the future we will be releasing a desktop variant of the editor that can access the normal filesystem so you can save locally.

  • rhg1968 We're pretty sure one of the iOS required plugins is causing the problem for Android.

    The issue with defining plugins for separate platforms comes from the way cordova parses it's config.xml file, as it will only download plugins for the whole project not individual platforms.

    We generate this file in the first stage of the cordova export, hence if you specify iOS and Android versions in the first prompt you end up with all the plugins. The second prompt tells the build server which builds you would like, and for consistency the server does what cordova does and installs all the plugins for both.

    It's a bit awkward that we could make the server smarter, but people taking the cordova project instead would get different results.

    As we can't modify the way cordova behaves the solution we've come up with is to split the cordova exporter into 2 separate ones: iOS and Android.

  • shortwave You could export for the web and run it on a http server on your computer. That would allow you to connect from your phone over the local network. There's plenty of options for HTTP servers depending on your level of experience.

    In terms of simple ones there's applications like:



    If your worried they are a little too heavyweight you could use:



    If your comfortable with a bit of command line then you could use:

    Python SimpleHTTPServer

    Or for something a little more custom:

    Node.js http module

    Once you have a server set up all you need to do is to copy the export into the servers root folder and type in it's address on your phone. It's slower than using remote preview but it's still fairly fast. In the past I've used all of the above for various things, MAMP was probably the easiest to set up but it does include a database engine and PHP which you don't really need. If you know JavaScript then you can create a simple HTTP server in Node.js with 10 lines of code.

  • I'm not sure what the problem with onedrive is, just been through the logs and I haven't made any real changes to it since Christmas and it seems to work for me.

    I do recall an old issue with the onedrive API where the first request after authentication would throw a permission error, but nobody has reported this issue to me so I'm hoping they fixed it. If you try pressing the refresh button on the dialog does it always stay stuck on "Failed to refresh[...]"?