MrMiller's Forum Posts

  • Would the "Load/Unload" Textures action be useful for this? Like:

    -Layout 2 has a bunch of objects/animations that need to be loaded, so...

    -I make Layout 1 a loading screen, set it for a number of seconds, make it countdown, and when it's finished I make the game jump to Layout 2?

  • I've been experimenting audio talking, and I noticed that each time an audio file plays, the entire layout pause for a bit and then the file plays.

    The files are very small. The smallest one I had was a 96kb .wav file, I've also done MP3's as well and just the one file alone made the layout pause.

    I had an idea, I have no idea if it will work:

    *What if I just had all of the audio files play at a zero volume level when starting the game up. Then when the game reaches the layout where music is supposed to play, it will fire up faster from cache (?)

    I don't know, just wondering...?

  • Hey Guyon,

    I should've mentioned this before... but my post that was in reference to .84 having trouble. My control commands work fine on .62, but on .84 in some layouts it's dead when I open the same project. I haven't downloaded any newer versions beyond .84. Sorry for the confusion there.

  • It opens but it doesn't work properly. I immediately notice that the 360 controller commands I've set don't respond in some situations in newer versions where it does in .62.

    As far as I know, there has been some updating to the 360 controller object since .62, and that may explain why the commands made in .62 aren't responding in newer versions.

  • I use .avi's.

    Thanks for the info. I guess it's a no-go for me though. Since I've built too much of the project in .62 and i'm trying to meet a deadline, I would never be able to go back and start over now. Darn. I wish there were another way to get rid of the timeline bar.

  • I'm trying to take a video clip and put it into one of my layouts, but I want to get rid of that timeline bar. So, it appears Python is my best option.

    My questions are:

    *What version of Python is compatible with Construct 0.99.62?

    *Is there a guide for installing Python into Construct?

    *Is there any code examples available in any Python resources that will show me how to code video into Construct?

  • I agree with Silent Cacophony. Taking it one step at a time and breaking it up into parts is the best thing to do.

    Myself personally, although I've had some experience with other types of software (DarkBasic, Visual Basic, some MMF2 Dev), I still had to slow down and learn Construct. I'm still learning something new every day and I am far from mastering this. But, I'm able to now make a complete game from start to finish, and as time goes by I'll pick up on some of the more intricate techniques that will make my games even larger and more sophisticated.

    I think the point where I started to become most comfortable is when I'd get stuck, and then sit there and refuse to move until I figured out the solution. At that point I realized that I was at least thinking in the procedure necessary to pull off what I wanted to do in Construct, it just takes time and patience.

    My final point and probably the biggest... don't give up. This software program is absolutely amazing, and with people like Silent Cacophony around, you will have a lot of opportunities to learn something new. Between he and some of the other guys who post example .caps, you'll be learning in no time because of how thorough they are. I remember I couldn't nail Global Variables in Construct to save my life, but then someone posted a .cap example. I read it, reconfigured it to what I needed, and now I know the procedure by heart and I've applied it in many different places. It's made a world of difference to my building progress.

  • I'm confused by how Custom Movement works in Construct. I've only used very basic movement with Construct as a result. But I wonder if there is a way to do Custom movement where you can have one sprite move based on what another sprite does? Like:

    Sprite 1 moves left 100 pixels causing Sprite 2 to move left 85 pixels.

    I wonder if it can be done with characters you're not controlling? Hmmmm.

  • If you have Audacity or some sound editor you could just put both mp3's into one file.

    Yeah, I've been debating with myself about doing that. Right now I only have 2 songs so it would be a good idea to just combine them. But I'm holding out for the possibility of having like 10 or more with them all being selectable track by track, I'm just not sure of all the songs I want to use yet.

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  • Holy crap, you're right. I kept multiplying by 10 and not taking into account the proper conversion calculation, lol. That's a real shame on my part

    Thanks, tulamide!

  • I've been putting some music into my game. One track is 3minutes 2seconds, the other is 4minutes 4seconds. For the first track I set milliseconds as 305000ms in order to give my song a buffer to finish before the next song plays.

    I have:

    *Start of layout

    +XAudio2: Play "ThisMusic.mp3"

    *Timer is equal to 305000ms

    +XAudio2: Play "ThisMusic2.mp3"

    The problem is, instead of the "ThisMusic2.mp3" playing right after 305000ms have elapsed, it just sits silent for about 2 and half minutes, and then suddenly "ThisMusic2.mp3" begins to play out of nowhere.

    I also tried the timeline object and got the exact same result.

    My questions are:

    1. Is there another method to getting these songs to play right after the time period ends instead of minutes after?

    2. Is it a bug with milliseconds not calculating right?

    3. Could it be an issue with my machine?

    4. Should I be thinking Global variable here? I've created a clock in Construct using a global variable, but I'm not sure how I would approach using it for this?

    I'm stumped. I've found that if I cut the ms time down I can get better time, but it's tricky trying to guess a time and requires me to listen the song all the way through in order to test it.

    I even tried shorter files like one 22 second file jumping to a 26 second file. That one calculated perfectly using 22,000 ms, but the larger files are not working so well.

  • I don't think that's what he was asking, he wanted to know how to display a webpage in a game or app, which maybe the http object does, but I've never used it, nor do I know how...i think it's mainly for formatted text. could be wrong though. also, this belongs in help/tech support

    Oh. I don't know why I got the impression that he was asking about making webpages.

  • Here is a thought that might get me laughed at... but, nothing would really stop you from making something in Construct, taking a screenshot at runtime, cropping it in another program like GIMP or Photoshop (similar to what you did in your initial post), and then uploading the picture file. From there you could add links on top of the pages you uploaded while inside the webpage uploader console (most hosts have them). In reality, all a webpage is is a visual with clickable links to take you from page to page.

    Having said all of that, if creating websites from scratch with a strong code base is the goal, then there are programs specifically designed for that which I think would be much better suited for building a full-fledged website.

  • Great minds at work

    Thanks for all the info and examples, guys! I can use a lot of this stuff in the future, too.

    @Lucid...I understand what you're saying now. That's a good tip. I have the global variable in already, but I tested your example and it works well too. I'm thinking about doing a mini-game where I would use a similar approach. I'm going to hide things under items and have the user find it by destroying the front sprite.

  • > So I thought the same type of concept might work for double-pressing a single button, and figured maybe I was just missing something to make it work this tme. But if that's not possible in this specific instance then I have no problem just sticking with a Global variable.


    The difference in the double pressing case is you need to keep state. Before you could just check if two buttons were pressed. You need something to keep state and a global or private variable are the easiest ways. There is no good reason not to use them as this is the type of thing they should be used for.

    Ah, gotcha. GV it is.

    Thanks guys.