mrheller's Forum Posts

  • Thank you for your help.

    This is what I have done but it is not working. Any suggestions?

  • Hello

    I am making a game where the player shoots missiles at falling asteroids. I have it set up so when the player presses the spacebar a missile is fired.

    I want to have it so the player can only have 3 missiles on the game screen at once.

    I have set a local variable called "shot" on the missle object. I have the value of "shot" to increase vy 1 each time the space bar is pressed and the value "shot" decreases each time the missile goes beyond the playing are.

    How do I check to see if the value of "shot" is less than three when pressing the space bar before the missile is created?

    Thanks for any help.

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  • Hello all

    If I am making a maze game with 3 different rooms that the player progress thru, does each room/layout need its own event sheet or can I have everything on a single event sheet?

    THank you

  • Hello

    I am making a maze game and I would like to have an enemy sprite chase/move towards the player sprite. There are walls in the room so the enemy sprite would have to go around them. Best example I can think of is the ghosts chasing Pacman.

    How would I program this?

    Thank you for any help.