MrBadAtThis's Forum Posts

  • I recently exported my game to my mobile device for testing and something I notice with my endless jumper is that regardless of how far you tilt your device the character moves at a constant speed

    How would I need to code this so that the further you tilt the device the faster the character moves?

    I've tried adjusting the characters platforming speed but that seems like a complicated way of doing so and i'm sure there's an easier solution

  • Just added Platform behavior to your hero to test this out and it has the same issue

  • Odd that doesn't seem to be working

    It seems as if the platforming behavior messes with the platforms pretty badly

    It doesn't look like the screen likes to move unless it is clicked

  • Thanks again. My new issue seems to be whenever I try and use my hero. and make him jump to the next platform he isn't Technically "Overlapping" it so the platforms do not move. Would I be able to use a compare to command to achieve the same effect?

  • Sorry to be a bother even more but is there a way to make the spawned platforms a random distance away from the previous?

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  • Thank you so much You've helped me immensely

  • Alright I decided I'll upload what I have

    In the game the longer you hold the mouse button down the higher the character jumps,

    As stated earlier I want the platforms to work like they do in stick hero ( nothing currently happens upon touching the platform in this game as I had taken out all previous attempts.)

    I also have a couple other issues such as my character can jump off the screen Vertically by holding the button down to long (Can I cap this?)

    And I need a way to specify to the player the current strength of the jump.

    I planned for an arrow to grow with the strength of the jump however I can not find a way to do this without the arrow getting all blurry and distorted.

  • Check this capx, that's basically one way to do it. Probably needs some tweeking.

    You'll need the plugin MoveTo.

    Thanks for the reply and thanks for the cap, However I'm having trouble understanding how each section works.

    For example the hero moving to the target I don't see where the target is specified.

  • In the game stick hero you have a platform that is a random distance away, a random size, and scrolls into view whenever you land on the next platform

    I would like to create platform generation just like this. How could this be achieved?