MobileMojo_Games's Forum Posts

  • I gotcha. So basically the color objects that are supposedly already chosen still show for players that log in later, and they cant do anything with them. The colors just sit there, right?

    If so, maybe create an object where each color is a frame and then have a 5th frame blank. Make all of them initially frame 5, so they don't show.

    Then check player count every tick in that layout, and when it is > = 4, change the instances to the frame that has the colors, by using a for each event.

    And since there are only 4 colors, frame 5 will not apply in that loop as long as you do a trigger only once, and/or set speed of animation to 0 (might want to test each of those).

    Then each color will have a frame #. So, when a player clicks, only then can they be assigned, and either deleted, or even changed back to frame 5. And assign that color to the player with a player variable that is equal to the frame of the object that holds the colors.

    So, it will only show the colors when 4 or more players are in, that way no one can click on them until they = a frame that is 0-3(array based). And when they can click, make it frame 4(5th one that is blank.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Does that help?

  • The license agreement strictly prohibits the transfer of a license, as stipulated here:


    > The license is non transferable in any way, including but not limited to: resale, transfer of license/rights, lending.

    Ok, thank you for the direction and the help :)

  • > If I am using the server from scirra for multiplayer, should it work since its peer to peer? The multiplayer setup I am using is counting the host as a peer so its one of those, everyone is a peer things, instead of a single computer acting as host.


    > Do I still need an independent server anyway? I can connect via my phone (not LAN as I turn of wifi to test that). But another house (my daughter is helping me test at her moms), its kicking.

    The server from Scirra for multiplayer still needs to be used. What the TURN server does is if the NAT traversal is unsuccessful (the connection is blocked by a firewall or something) then the connection will be relayed through a TURN server which both the HOST and the PEER connect to, to transfer data between eachother even if the connection was unsucessful .

    Gotcha, so instead of trying to figure out if my local network is blocking or not, or bypassing, the TURN server will do this for me and as long as I set it up correctly, it will do its job, correct? SO, at the moment, for preview testing on c3, it will either only work if on LAN, or if my own router configuration allows the connections, correct? And the TURN server is a way to simply configure this without you having to do too many changes to your internet setup?

    Thank you all for the understanding!

  • If only the host can connect you need a TURN server,

    Refer to this guide

    If I am using the server from scirra for multiplayer, should it work since its peer to peer? The multiplayer setup I am using is counting the host as a peer so its one of those, everyone is a peer things, instead of a single computer acting as host.

    Do I still need an independent server anyway? I can connect via my phone (not LAN as I turn of wifi to test that). But another house (my daughter is helping me test at her moms), its kicking.

  • I have a personal license of c2 and also c3 because policy states no returns for such. That means, I have an extra construct license that cannot be refunded.

    Since I am using c3p projects now, instead of capx, is it possible to transfer my c2 license to someone else? That way, I do not feel like I wasted 200 bucks......if someone can put it to good use.

  • If only the host can connect you need a TURN server,

    Refer to this guide

    I just checked the link, and it looks to be only for Ubuntu, correct? If so, I have to find windows alternatives :) But, right direction!

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  • If only the host can connect you need a TURN server,

    Refer to this guide

    Ahhhh that's what I figured would be such. Dedicated I assume? If so, thats no problem :) Will read :) Thanks!

  • Nicely done.

    And yeah, decent sleep tends to help hehe. Many times I got issues solved by taking a well needed break ^_^

    Absolutely haha. Like a new pair of eyes alone :P. Thank you for the help though, even though I didn't get the cp3 to you :)

  • SO, now that I got that working, Im trying to establish remote preview with someone else but only the host can connect lol.

    Gotta figure that one out now :P

    Its supposed to work, but maybe its a code I have that checks for errors and takes action instead of just ignoring errors. So, Ill disable those first and see.

    Gonna be up late! :)

  • Are you wanting the last player to see what chat information has been exchanged before they join? Sorry if I may be confused. I am working on the same thing and I have a function that goes through an array with x value and then attach it to the cur value as said above my post. Its a way to make sure each log is updated for each array and the function that calls it, for each peer. If that makes sense.

    So, make an array, that says for x (only x since we are just looking at lines of value), and make it as large as you want to see it (array x >= say 5 if you only want to see 5 lines of it at a time).

    Then when a function is called (start of layout, or connected, etc), itll go through that array and the length of it, and show the "appended"/ attached message currently in the arrays last 5 events of chat broadcasting from anyone.

    Then, when the player is in game, make a function that they can add to that chat. Then player by player should all each see the same chat info.

    Im sorry if that is totally off, but from what I read, I think that may help a bit!

    BTW, its appended to the curX BECAUSE that would be the "current X" inputted or in other words, the last broadcasted chat message. Then it reads up from there in the array. and them boom everything in that function shows up.

  • As I was compiling the formatted example into an export, I noticed where the issue was! Thank you for requesting that information, otherwise I may not have seen it. Strangely enough, it was immediate.

    note: Highly recommend when stuck on these issues, sleep! lol Then come back :P

    So, the issue was not with setbit or getbit communication, rather overlapping common controls.

    When I have changed the controls for the host (not peer connected), I did not release the input connection from the common areas of each player, therefore, both inputs were trying to run not just for host, but for any peer.

    So, that is why the host and peer had different errors, because it was a commmon event error, rather than mp communication error. I was looking for the error in the wrong groups.

    So, if you are doing a multiplayer control setup, make sure any common controls are indeed intended for common use and not peer dependent as they are supposed to be. Even if you do have setbit and getbit, those PLUS common controls will try to send/receive data back and forth.

    Hope that helps anyone.

  • I have an issue with multiplayer functionality using c3. Everything works good until I try to use host and peer movement independent of each other.

    problem 1: The host will move both host and peer

    problem 2: The peer will update rotation for both peer and host, but does move on its own.

    I have extensively went through the multiplayer 1-4 readings, went through using multiple sources of content for figuring out how to configure it, and even went as far as collecting "working" data from the test game source files just to see if I missed anything or did anything wrong.

    I have yet to find, in the past 12-13 hours, anything I did wrong with the codes.

    Maybe a second set of eyes can notice something I am somehow blind against? lol

    I am not sure if it is something with local connection or something simple. BUT, I have went over the codes many many times, testing changes, looking at the debugger over and over, and changing stuff again, etc etc. I have to say, at least I have learned a LOT about multiplayer now! :P

    Just cannot get host and peer to do things completely on their own. Its gotta be some setbit or getbit update I assume, BUT I dont see anything wrong. :/

    Here is a video of what I am trying to fix. So ask me anything you need to know to help if you can, except asking for my capx. I dont feel comfortable giving that out for good reason.

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  • I have an object that has two sine behaviors, one for back and forth, the other for vertical. The object is meant to move in an infinity-like pattern, which it does great. I use viewpionts where the UI is on a viewpoint that follows the player of course, and the game has its own layer for interactive object, etc. The game layer is then of course static in position, yet the object with sine behavior follows the player also, like the UI layer does.

    How can I, if possible, set the oscillating object on the game layer but have it move independent of viewpoint? It seems that the sine behavior it more for games that do not scroll using views, rather shows the entire layout on one screen.

    I tried to create a spawner object and then contain the sine behavior object to it, but the spawner then follows the view also.


  • SOLVED: I spent the day optimizing the code a bit to see if I can notice anything indifferent much easier, and in doing so, I fixed the issue just not sure how.

    So, what I believe it may have been is an ordering issue. That would make sense when re-organizing. I did not change anything other than deleting the variable inside the progress, and just use progress though that was after the fact.

    Either way, it works now and again I believe it was ordering and/or timing somehow. So, optimizing lesson learned :)

    Since then, I have added more functions for repetitive codes and now things look better and on to the next issue :P

    Thanks for the help.