Mithrill's Forum Posts

  • zenox98, Thank you. I misunderstood you. English isn't my mother tongue.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yrondi hasn't been on this forum since making the original post.

    Thank you for informing me.

    I've amended the ... ics-pacman tutorial in question to include the original .capx so all can download.

    Thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /> Lets hope that someone still owns the original .capx -file.

    I sent a message to Professor Stemkoski. Maybe he still own the original .capx -file.

  • yrondi , do you still have the original capx -file from that tutorial? If you do have, could you share it?

  • I figured it out

    Thank you for your capx -example. I will check it after I backup all my project files and upgrade construct2.

  • There's nothing wrong with the code itself. Currently, when an enemy collides with another enemy, both are destroyed. Which was fine. Now, like I mentioned earlier, I'm trying to do mechanic that when an enemy is thrown and collides with another enemy both are killed BUT the enemy which was thrown, can collide with another enemy and kill it. Like a chain reaction kind of thing.

    And mont probably I'm trying to do everything in a overcomplicated way :/

  • LittleStain, you code is working perfectly. Currently I'm trying to improve the mechanics. When I throw an enemy against another enemy, that thrown enemy is be able to destroy multiple enemies (like in smb2) after thrown.

    I'm having another problem with the collision checks and pretty much with everything :/

    My current code is like this:

    I checker this forum post and I tried to implement that example into my project. I made it to work but it's still doing the same as previously: both enemies are destroyed.

    Code for this like so:

    So my question is: how I make that thrown enemy can hit multiple enemies when thrown? Clearly I'm missing something here (again) and (again) any kind of help would be highly appreciated.

  • Thank you very much Kyatric !!! I own you a beer. Maybe two

  • Hi everyone,

    I just completed Kyatric rpg-styled dialog system tutorial:


    First, thank you Kyatric for this tutorial. It really helped me to improve my portfolio/game. Everything is working fine and I'm happy with the results.

    Now I'm thinking of improving this dialog system. I'm trying to do a cursor -system which is used to choose the right answer. Now picking is made by clicking the right answer with a mouse (I think everybody knows this after watching the tutorial ^^ ). By cursor -system, I mean a system like in every game, where player move the cursor on screen to choose something. For example, in inventory to choose the gear or to choose the answer for the question ;)

    So my question is, how to implement a cursor based system for this rpg-styled dialog system? I have done some experiments but none of them worked. Any help is highly appreciated :)

  • Character pack — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>These are the characters from my portfolio.</p><h3>What is included in this pack</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p> </p><p>Player character, with animations:</p>

    • idle
    • walk
    • jump
    • climb (unused)
    • sitting
    • empty desk (bonus)

    <p>Security Guy character, with animations:</p>

    • idle
    • talking

    <p>Secretary character, with animations:</p>

    • idle
    • writing
    • talking

    <p>Thank you for your interest and feel free to comment, share and give some constructive feedback ^^</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Character pack

  • Hey everyone.

    Like topic says, I would like to have some constructive feedback from my game Bunny and Foxes. I have worked on it during the past 2 months and finally it's becoming to feel and look like a proper game. Because I have made the game, I know it thoroughly. There is a problem because of this (maybe everyone have come across to this problem). When you work on a project for some time, you kind of get blind to your own work. You just see what you want to see.

    This is where you step in. I need YOUR help. Play my game and give me some feedback. There isn't any wrong or right answer here. Just tell me your opinion of, what do you think of my game so far.

    There are couple of question I would like to have answers.

    1) Did you understood all the symbols?

    2) Was there any graphics that you couldn't figure out what they were representing?

    3) How you felt the difficulty level? Was it gradually increasing or was there a spike on it?

    4) Was the game fun to play? If not, what I should include and/or remove from the game?

    5) If yes, why?

    Here is a link to my game:

    /arcade/shooting-games/bunny-and-foxes-1105 (add at the beginning)

    Thank you for your help :)


  • Problem Description

    I exported my game using latest C2 r212 (32-bit) under Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 running windows 7 through VMWare Fusion. After I uploaded the game to scirra arcade and attempt to test it, the game didn't loaded correctly. Instead I got this:

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3

    Observed Result

    Expected Result

    Game to load and work properly :)

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (NOT TESTED)
    • Safari Version 7.1.7 (9537.85.16.12) (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Construct2 r212 (32-bit) personal licence

  • Thank you, it's working ^^

  • Hi,

    Like topic says, I'm currently making smb2 styled game, where player can pick up items/things or enemies and throw them. I have implemented throw -mechanic in the game and it is working fine :)

    Now I'm implementing destroying -mechanic. Throwing an item against an enemy will destroy the enemy. That was an easy task to make to implement BUT I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do the same with the enemy. I mean, when player throw an enemy against another enemy, both of them should be destroyed (like in smb2). I can destroy the enemy which was thrown, because I have set an boolean variable, which tells when enemy is picked up (actually picked up in-game) but I can't destroy the other enemy (the one which receive the hit and is on the ground).

    I'm using families on items and enemies. Both are in their own families. I know I have to tell construct 2 which enemy is receiving the hit and that is the problem. I can't figure out how I can pick that enemy, who was walking on the ground. I feel like I have tried everything. I have tried to put destroying -mechanic into a function, set another boolean, pick nearest enemy which was not thrown etc and nothing works like I want to.

    My current events looks something like this:

    1# items -family: is picked up, on collision with enemies -family = destroy enemies -family.

    2# enemies -family: is picked up, on collision with enemies -family = destroy enemies -family.

    I hope my mumbling makes sense. Anyone want to help me out with this one? I would really appreciate any kind of help ^^

  • Hello everybody.

    I have a problem. I'm trying to implement below dialog code in my project but for a reason or another, I can't get it to work.

    Tutorial: h*t*t*p*s://

    I have followed the instruction and copy/pasted everything in place. My main problem is that I can't understand where I define which dialog I want to call. I have made a function which will call the dialog code but it just isn't showing any text in the project. Clearly I'm missing something really simple but I can't figure it out.

    So the big question is: what parameters I use to call the right dialog?

  • No prob. I apologize my first post. I'm new here so there are lots of things for me to learn.