mitchellfranklin's Forum Posts

  • Non- game apps are hardly created from any form of "drag and drop app creator", as most of the time it don't have any specific algorithms or features that suited to your project. Try to learn programming for yourself instead, it's not quite hard actually.

    Thanks for your response, well that's not true as there are a lot of creators out there for other systems that use an Event System - similar concept to Construct 2 where you build your page and based on event to X. Yes learning to code is always the best however when looking at creating for multiple devices its not something i have the time to do - stuff like apple apps where you require an apple PC and pay a lic cost is not worth it but again thanks for your feedback

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi All,

    Been looking around but think I may be out of luck, been using Construct 2 for a couple of years and love it do death however am wanting to also create standalone mobile applications "Not Games" and am looking for something like construct 2 that does it but I am having no luck.

    is anyone aware if there is anything like Construct out there for mobile application development?
