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  • Any help??

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  • Thanks Somebody,

    I really appreciate ur help and ur nice words.

    "I would recommend rendering it at 1:1 pixel size, though, your game will take forever to load with these detailed animations at twice the size or more)." <font color=red>I don't know exactly how to do that, I'm still new in using construct <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> any help?!</font>

    What about the second problem? can u help me to solve it?

    Thanks a gain and wish u a nice day.

  • No one can help? <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello,

    quick app

    I just update r68 to r69, but i got a problem with the enemy movement and the player movement, i solved the player movements by changing the angles (0,180) to (mirror, not mirror)

    my problem is that i can't fix the enemy movement what should i change to fix it?

    The 2nd problem is the speed direction of player when there is collision between him and the enemy, in both cases if the collision happened when the player was in angle 0 or in angle 180, the player x axis will be on the left direction. I want the player to go far from the enemy in the opposite direction.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Thanks a lot Kyatric and sorry for bothering u all the time, but i was trying to search for it by writing "jump movement in platform behavior" that's why i didn't find those links <img src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello everybody,

    In construct classic there is a jump and stop movement in the platform behavior, so for example if the player will jump on the top enemy, the enemy will be destroyed and the player will jump again automatically according to the code:

    on collision between player and enemy

    >player is falling

    >trigger once                      >enemy:deactivate bullet behavior

                                        >enemy:set animation to "destroyed"

                                        >player:<font color=red>jump</font>

    If i want to create the same movement behavior (the jump when the enemy is destroyed) in construct 2, how can i get it???

    Thanks in advance.


  • Here's the file

    Every frame of the object player had different size, falling animation frame had height bigger than standing frame. It was constantly switching between those frames because collision mask of the falling frame reacted to the solid, behavior switched to "is on floor" which changed frame to standing, standing frame was few pixels shorter than falling frame, so it lost it's collision with solid, behavior switched to falling again, and so on.

    Edit> There are two (maybe more?) ways to get rid of it

    - set each animation frame to the same size

    - use dummy box with platform behavior and position animations to it.(I used this one)

    I erased redundant animations, animation property "auto mirror" takes care of it, you just need to set the sprite's angle.

    Thankxxxx Noga, I really appreciate ur help and patient.

    Thanks again and wish u a wonderful day <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Please take a look

    Platform School

    Thanks in advance.

  • Collision polygon is your collision mask, you can add points and shape it as you like, but with more points it becomes slower. You can't have pixel perfect collisions in C2, yet. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Read about it here.

    I took out the part where Ashley explains it:

    - I think it's worth pointing out there won't be per-pixel collisions in the HTML5 runtime - Javascript isn't fast enough. The Classic runtime uses C++'s raw speed as well as special CPU features to make it practical. There'll have to be collision polygons instead.

    Thanks Noga for ur reply, but i tried the collision polygon and it doesn't work perfectly.

    As i mentioned before I'm trying to create platform school game that is already created using construct classic but this time i want to create it using construct classic, so the first two problems i faced are:

    1. The collision mask cause if i use the default created one the sprite will start flashing all the time.

    2. The auto rotate to make the sprite looks nice and symmetric if he is moving to right or left, jumping right or left and falling right and left.

  • No one knows???

    I'm trying to create platform school lesson 1 using construct 2 instead of construct classic, that's why am asking about collision masks.

    Also i have a question regarding the auto rotate option on platform behavior, It's already included in construct classic but there is no check box for it on construct 2!

    Any idea?

    Please help

  • Hello everybody,

    I have a question regarding the collision masks, I don't know exactly from where i can import a collision mask for my sprite? In construct classic i double click my sprite then on the picture editor i choose collision mask then open to select my created collision mask, but here in construct 2 when i double click my sprite there is no set collision mask there is only set collision polygon which will use the default shapes and if i import my created collision the sprite it self will be replaced by that mask.

    So does any one know how to import collision mask in construct 2?!

    Thanks in advance.


  • Well, you need to copy Python26.dll from the Construct install directory to the same directory as your game. You should have seen a message telling you that you needed to do that when you enabled Python. If you're not using Python scripts, you can turn it off in Application Properties and you won't need that file.

    Hi Ashley,

    I copied Python26.dll from the Construct install directory to the same directory as my game. But i still have seen a message telling me that i needed to do that when i enabled Python and the .exe file just disappear.

    If i disabled the python from properties no error messages appeared, but the .exe file just appear for a second and then disappeared.

    Any idea?

    Thanks in advance :)


  • Thanks for the suggestion.

    I tried it already when i got the problem, but it doesn't fix it

  • I tried firefox 8 and it works perfectly, so i think it has a problem with older versions only.