mikmanner's Forum Posts

  • Lol yeah my knowlage is weird and patchy, most of my training in construct is through just experimenting, just spent the last few months playing arround with it, and this is my first attempt at a project.

    Thanks for the kudos, I can't figure out for the life of me how to do this though, was thining Time Delta but..wtf is time delta lol

  • Hello everyone, I'm working on this game:

    - in the video you can see that by left clicking anywhere you spawn objects but I'm having real difficulty learning how to limit the number of objects you can spwan.

    Does anyone know a way of allowing me to have an energy bar which gradually depletes as you add objects to the screen but when it is empty, it stops you being able to spawn the objects. Then, it gradually re-fills.

    This is the only thing stopping me from cracking on with this game which I think is quite a cool idea.

    Any help would be massivly appreciated!

    Much love,


  • Sorry everyone I've been away, thanks so much for the info, it works with the directional gravity and I'm trying to make a custom physics based movement so it works in 360 degrees, so far it kind of works, ish, well the object keeps flipping out if there's more than one point of 'gravity' on the screen, I'll put up a cap later.


    > This you can already do. In fact, I'm making a game where you can do exactly that.


    That's exactly what I just said to him.

    Are we writing the same game? lol

    > SpongeBrain: I don't think it would really be feasible to add 360 gravity to the existing platform behavior, the way it works currently is just not compatible at all. David would probably have to rewrite the behavior from scratch.


    Yeah, I hinted that that was the case when I said it was probably too difficult or time consuming for the devs, and that it was probably why I never heard anything back.

    We can't expect plugins to do all the hard work for us can we.

    That custom movement behaviour sounds interesting.

    Is there a discussion on these forums about it anywhere?


  • Hello all, does anyone have any suggestions on how I could fix the point of gravity to an object.

    Think like Mario Galaxy how mario jumps off one planetoid but then gets sucked into the gravitational pull of another.

    Another example would be to simply be running on a 2D plane with a floor and a ceiling, jump up, have the character flip upside down and then be running on the ceiling.

    Help would be appreciated



  • oh okay

    You don't need to worry about posting bugs to both the forum and the tracker. The tracker is where they belong and are checked.

  • Yeah I have

    Can you post all bugs to the tracker? Thanks.

  • Hi there, I've been making a game, and for some reason, it crashes after 20seconds on runtime, it crashes on my friends' machine also, I tried bug fixing it by deleting all the 'frames' around this one but the problem must be just in this frame I've attached. Is a very weird bug.


  • Ok thanks man will try this, what about non-physics objects? Is there a good way to do this? In MMF2 I have a setting where I have an object with a bouncing ball movement which is stopped at the start of frame, the object follows a path which goes round in a circle, when another object collides with it it starts the bouncing ball movement and the object floats away nicely. Am trying to reproduce this but am having trouble with it.

    The only way you can move physics objects properly, is to apply physics forces to them. If you do things, like set angle, or X and Y positions, it can do some weird stuff.

    To make a platform slide, you would have to apply force in the desired direction. You may even have to make some invisible "tracks" with invisible "bump-stops" at each end to stop it from moving too far, messing up, and falling off the end.

    If you have trouble with this, let me know... I can make a quick example as to how this would work in finer detail.

    Make note, you may also need to play with settings like friction and elasticity in order to get things to work the way you want.


  • Is there any way to make a physics object just gradually move, say i wanted a platform to slide to the right then back again and loop, is this possible, so far all i can make something do is teleport, not gradually move.

  • Sweet thanks guys, havn't worked out how to do hinges at the moment looking for a tutorial now. Good tip about using effects to gel them together!

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  • Is it possible with physics objects so that when the collide, they connect to each other, preferably connecting into each other forming a new shape? Imagine red blood cells gelling together...

    http://www.dailysciencedose.com/wp-cont ... _blood.jpg

  • thanks a lot guys, I've never seen the timeline object before will have to research it. And the 'pulsating' cap is perfect for my needs so will try decipher it.

  • Hello, I'm new to Construct, these forums have been amazingly helpful, I know MMF2 so the transition into Construct has been pleasent, it's such an amazing program I look forward to posting up my games for you lot to see.

    I want to do this one thing and I don't know if it's possible. I want to shrink and expand a sprite in time with a beat from some music I've made. The track is 120bpm, and if I set the box to shrink and expand every 4 seconds it'll be in time with the music.

    I just don't know how to make the box do this, a gradual, but fast shrink and collapse.

    Also are there any funky audio things I should be aware of? Can you sync your visuals up with bpm in an efficent way?

    I'm a composer btw, got a myspace

    Have just recently got into game design but I want to make audio focused games, have been going good so far but this one little bit of help will really open up a whole world for me!!

    Thanks in advance!
