Hello, I'm new to Construct, these forums have been amazingly helpful, I know MMF2 so the transition into Construct has been pleasent, it's such an amazing program I look forward to posting up my games for you lot to see.
I want to do this one thing and I don't know if it's possible. I want to shrink and expand a sprite in time with a beat from some music I've made. The track is 120bpm, and if I set the box to shrink and expand every 4 seconds it'll be in time with the music.
I just don't know how to make the box do this, a gradual, but fast shrink and collapse.
Also are there any funky audio things I should be aware of? Can you sync your visuals up with bpm in an efficent way?
I'm a composer btw, got a myspace
Have just recently got into game design but I want to make audio focused games, have been going good so far but this one little bit of help will really open up a whole world for me!!
Thanks in advance!