Hello, everyone.
Which would be the best way to implement these two mechanics using Construct 2?
1. Left-right movement of a sprite locked based on radial gravity
The spherical structure would rotate counterclockwise and the green sprite would be limited to staying fixed in a region of its width approximately.
This sprite would have its individual physical properties, such as its weight, and could jump when you press with your finger on a touch screen or a key, depending on the device.
What would be the best way to implement this?
How could I solve the problems with physics and response when jumping?
Since some time ago I did tests and sometimes the green sprite response was good, but most of the times not... Due to the rotation of the circular platform and the sprite blocked in its limited region, or because I did not recognize the contact of the sprite of the green rectangle with that of the circular structure due to its different forms or produced by another reason that I don't know...
2. Swipe gesture and gravity changing
I want to make it by tracking the speed of the gesture depending on the finger movement (fast/abrupt or slow/smooth). It would be like a drag and drop only the Y-axis, but making the swipe on any region of the screen.
Swipe up: Sprite above the rectangle.
Swipe down: Sprite below the rectangle.
And the idea is that the sprite would make a little jump on the start of the swipe and before it would go behind the rectangle (and the same but in reverse when swipping up).
I hope you can help me with this doubts. Thank you in advance!