miguel-romm's Forum Posts

  • I would like to know what’s the best way to make a path the platforms move along it.

    This path would have a curved form and the platforms and rest of elements should follow its angle.

    This’s a quick sketch I made to understand my question better:

    Thank you!

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  • Look in your C2 examples folder. You will find circular platformer example in there.

    As for procedural generation there are many many ways.

    You can use:

    Every X seconds. Timer, triggering events...

    Thank you, MPPlantOfficial

    I saw the examples you mention, but I don't see very clear how to implement that in my concept taking that templates like a base. And for the procedural generation subject, well... I'm a beginner using Construct, so I'm a little bit lost when I read your answer. I would appreciate a lot a little guidance/explanation or help in form of some tutorial in text or video to understand correctly the way to create procedural generation levels.


  • Hello, I would like to ask you a few questions about a mobile game that I’m working at and I think using Construct will be a great solution, because I don't have knowledge about coding.

    The game I’m working at is an infinite runner/platformer, where the character is only jumping straight, meanwhile the platforms are moving to the left. The center of gravity in each level is on the middle of a circle (the level itself), so the character has to be always attracted by the center.

    How could I make an algorithm so the platforms and the other elements, like collectable items, enemies and another obstacles, will create themselves in a procedural way? Which will be the best way to do it?

    I’ve read a tutorial about how it has to be done (for an horizontal-scroll platformer), but I would appreciate if you would help me with more information, because I don’t see it so clear...

    Thank you! 😉