Michal11's Forum Posts

  • This seems to work, not sure its the best answer.

    btw, I started with a sprite on the screen, that's why it only repeats 19 times.

    Excellent I think this is the best way. Thanks a lot mate

  • if you make the enemies solid then they should be moved outside of each other if they spawn on top of each other. Note I say "should" then if your enemies shouldnt be solid you can turn it off after theyre placed

    I just tried that quickly but it does not work :) They still overlap each other

  • Thank you this is exactly the way I want to do that. Hence I think there must some better way which is the reason I am asking :)

  • Upss I had to reedit post right now. I forgot to add random into that. Now it shoud look same like my original code :) sorry

  • Hello,

    I am generating enemies on my map randomly. Basically on start of layout I have

    system create object x random (10,8000)

                         y random (0,500)

    then I have system repeat 20x times. So this ones creates 20 enemies. the problem is that sometimes it generates same or really similar x or y so two or more sprites are touching each other which is something I want to prevent. Is there something I can do?

    I was thinking something like. If there is collision between them then generate x and y again?

  • Thanks guys. I am starting to love this friendly community :). I hope one day I will be helpful to others as you

  • Hello,

    at first I apologise for very stupid begginer question. I am trying to create lifes of player and show them in the hud (I am basically show smaller version of player's airplane as one life. Basically player sprite has variable "life" starting value is 3. So at beginning there is three of them.

    then in events I have something like this:

    <img src="http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/7643/liff.jpg" border="0" />

    and then in another condition I have something like if player collides with enemy substract 1 from "life variable.

    It works but I think this sollution is kinda sketchy and not right in sense of programming sense?

    I suppose I should use for or foreach loop somehow? Thank you

  • Works like a charm. Thanks guys

  • Hello guys,

    I know that for a platformer when creating grass for example etc it is best to use tile background instead of sprite. But I am having a problem with collision then because I know I cannot set collision polygons on background tiles. But that is a problem because in some tiles collison system does not work well and this certain case player walkers above the grass instead of on the grass if it makes sense(. Is there something else I can do?

    Because if I use background tile it looks like this:

    <img src="http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/2884/tiledy.jpg" border="0" />

    But I need to set my collision like something like this (this is a sprite)

    <img src="http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/1060/spriteb.jpg" border="0" />

    thank you

  • Hello,

    I am trying to figure one thing. When my level/layout start I want to start typical arcade counting like "3,2,1 go" and after that objects can star moving nut before that. What is the best wait to do that?

    I mean all I need to know is how to get some time at start of layer, for example few second and during this no object can move.

    I cannot use "system wait" because it affects only certain condition" right?

  • yes it is

  • Hello guys,

    I have little problem. I am absolutely beginner so I am sorry if this sounds stupid.

    I have a global variable called enemies_number. The value of it is set to 5.

    And then when I hit some enemies I do like: enemies_number-1 and in conditions I also have this:

    <img src="http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/1002/enemiesn.jpg" border="0" />

    What I am trying to do is that until enemies_number is not 0 I can generate this "sprite 4" every 8 seconds. But what happened is that when my enemies_number is 0 sprite4 is still spawning even it should not. How come?

    Thank you

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  • Hello guys,

    do you know how is this graphic style called holybox.com.br/game/teste_sky001/%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0 I know it is not pixelart, so is it like vector graphic? And what tool is the best for this? Photoshop? Thank you

  • thank you xoros :)

    aarogamerx: Yes of course I know. I have already done that.

  • Hello guys,

    I have weird problem with bullet object.

    I basically have a rocket which should be shot when I hit spacebar from player's position.

    So in conditions I have something like if spacebar then spawn bullet on player position. It works and bully is really shot. But the problem is that it shots like 4-5 rockets instead of 1? I dont understand why.

    any tips? thank you