mekonbekon's Forum Posts

  • Glad to have helped

  • How about this?: ... .capx?dl=0

    It doesn't use any tweens, just checks the relative distance between the input and the spawn point.

  • Would this work for you?: ... .capx?dl=0

    No need for a spawner, everything works off the block behaviours. I've also included a check to move the avatar out of the block if it resolidifies whilst they're overlapping.

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  • You've also got an FPS value in debug.

    If your fps is low but CPU is also low, then it's a good indication that the GPU is killing your framerate.

    Also, rather than testing in debug, stick a text object in the layout displaying (FPS&", "&cpuutilisation) and run normally - should give a more accurate performance reading than debug

  • I'm guessing you could test this quite easily by setting up two projects with the different settings and check in the debug mode.

  • TodaysTuts

    You can also shuffle using a single array for everything in one event (although I appreciate there are many situations where keeping a sorted array is necessary): ... .capx?dl=0

  • I'm guessing you have the scroll to behaviour on the avatar or on an object tied to the player's position?

    If so, the simplest way would be to disable the scroll-to behaviour on the avatar/camera once the avatar passes into the boss area.

    Another way, if you're using a camera object, would be to disassociate the camera from the player on reaching the boss area and move it the centre of the area.

  • This tool gets you close, if you choose CSV to JSON array in step 5:

    Annoyingly it doesn't add sets of brackets around each y value, but on the plus side you can add double quotes in step 3, if you're using strings.

    You might be able to use the custom options in step 4 to get exactly what you need, haven't tried it out yet.

  • For a 3D array you want your JSON in this format:




    "data":[ [ [0,1,2,3], [4,5,6,7], [8,9,10,11] ],


    [12,13,14,15], [16,17,18,19 ], [20,21,22,23] ]



    For 2D like this:




    "data":[ [ [0], [1], [2] ],


    [3], [4], [5] ]



  • I would be wary of using the "Else" condition when selecting groups of objects - instead use the inverse condition. Typically Else should be reserved for System conditions; you can get away with it when you're dealing with a single unique object but it becomes problematic when you have multiples instances of the same object. e.g.:

    If enemies.value = 1 do A

    Else do B

    In this situation if any one enemy has a value of 1 then A will be triggered for that picked group of enemies but B will not triggered at all, so any enemies with a value of not 1 will not react. The only time B is triggered is if NO enemies have a value of 1

    If enemies.value = 1 do A

    If enemies.value !=1 do B

    In this situation A will be triggered for enemies with a value of 1 and B will be triggered for enemies with any other value.

  • Easiest way is to use a 3rd party tool like GIMP, Photoshop or any other graphics editor that allows you to import multiple images into a single file or copy and paste from from one open file to another, stitch together and export as a png.

  • Another way would be to scale the layer that the tilemap is on.

  • Already done

  • My tip would be to have some people play the project and ask them their opinion on the graphics - if the general consensus is that they're too blurry/don't look high enough quality then consider resizing. Otherwise, if users are happy with them then where's the benefit of spending loads of time changing them?

    Bear in mind that resizing the assets is going to up your download size and memory hit.

  • That's very helpful, massive thanks!