Megabeard's Forum Posts

  • I enjoyed the game. It has a very Super Meat Boy-ish feel to it and the atmosphere is well-done (Music/art in particular was good). The difficulty curve was also very reasonable. At no point did I feel like the difficulty came out of nowhere. It slowly progressed into a more difficult experience with each section.

    I was also surprised how long the demo was going for me. I figured it would only be a few sections, but there was a lot of depth to it. How long did it take you to make?

    As for criticisms, my main gripe was with how sensitive the controls were. I realize this was meant to be half the challenge, but when you're precision platforming on rather small platforms that are moving up and down, it's frustrating to fall off those platforms just because you held down the move key for a split second too long. In games where you have very precise control over your movements (Such as Donkey Kong Country), that's ok. But here it was the only part of the game where I was frustrated. My suggestion would be to either ease up on the areas that require high amounts of precision, or maybe make the player's acceleration take longer.

    The only other criticism I can think of is pretty minor, but thought I'd throw it out there any way. There were a few times where I wouldn't notice things that were important because it blended in too much with the environment. Usually it was a spike on the ground. Also in the section that you screencapped in your OP, I didn't realize you could just run along the floor like that because those looked like openings where you would fall into lava. I'm not sure if that's another case of the floor blending in with the environment too much or if it's the same deal as in Mario where the player can run over very small open spaces, but either way these things are pretty minor.

    Great job on the game!

  • Hey Stephen,

    I enjoyed the artwork and aesthetic of the level. It has quite a bit of charm to it so I think you're going in the right direction there.

    What I'm not sure of is where you want to go with the gameplay. I did notice the points aspect the most while playing the demo, so are you thinking of making this into a game featuring a leader board? What are some features you plan on adding (Eg. Attacks, collectables)?

    Also pretty minor, but when the snail enemy goes off the screen and dies without me touching it, it gives me points for that.

  • Well I don't know why I can't preview the example you made for me, but after replicating your code and putting it in my game, it's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you RamPackWobble!

  • >

    > Though still it bothers me that I can't figure out how to make a platform move in any way I want. It sounds so simple, but I can't wrap my head around how. There's got to be a way.

    any good ?

    It looks to be something that helps me out, but the problem is I have no way to preview it. I keep getting errors whenever I try to load the layout.

    "JavaScript Error!

    Unspecified Error.

    localhost50000/glwrap.js, line 1422 (Col4)"

    Incidentally this seems to happen to me a lot when I download examples. Half the time I can't preview them.

    <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    I appreciate the example though. I'll try and replicate it and hopefully from there I can preview it.

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  • Yep. It is possible to add at least two sin-movements to same platform. I'm not sure if something like this will be enough, but at least it's easy to make.

    PS: I'm not artistic type at all .. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Interesting! I had no idea that could be done. I think I can make that work with some practice, thank you!

    <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> I appreciated the extra effort with the art anyway.

    Though still it bothers me that I can't figure out how to make a platform move in any way I want. It sounds so simple, but I can't wrap my head around how. There's got to be a way.

  • I have not tested this, but would it be possible to add multiple Sine-behaviours to one ohject? Like one controlling X and another for Y position?

    Besides that.. You can always count the time spend and make some functions to set X/Y positions..

    Hmm, I don't know if that would work just because the program being able to distinguish between two separate of the same behavior seems unlikely. For instance, what if a player character had two platform behaviors? And they both called for different jump heights of the player? I think the system would just choose whatever came first.

    Then again, I am not knowledgeable in sine, so I'll play around with your idea on my lunch break today.

    Setting to position would be instantaneous though, wouldn't it? Unless I'm setting position pixel by pixel? I wonder if that would be the way to go about it?

    Thanks for the response, I'll try and mess around with it a little more and see what I come up with.

  • Hi, I've been stumped lately about how I can get a platform to move in a particular pattern/path in my 2D platformer game and I was hoping maybe someone could point me in the right direction.

    To give an exact idea of what I want to do, here's a video:

    About 6 seconds into the video, you'll notice Mario encounters a platform following an oval-like path as illustrated by the line it's attached to. Throughout the level players also encounter similar platforms that move along paths, but illustrated as different shapes by the lines. I was hoping that I could have my platforms follow paths similar to these or in whatever shape/pattern I wanted, but so far I haven't been able to wrap my head around how.

    I've tried everything that comes to mind from custom movement (accelerate towards position)to the bullet behavior, but neither of these really suit my needs. Sine also appears to be too limited for what I was hoping to do, but I admit my knowledge of it is hardly extensive.

    So any ideas? I'd appreciate any help!

  • Just released the Alpha Demo for my game, Corporate Misfit, a 2D platformer where players are encouraged to keep up their speed in order to use special abilities.

    It's an idea I've been playing around with for months now and would like some opinions how fun it is to play or how I could further expand upon it. Hope you guys like it!

    Link to game: Corporate Misfit (Alpha Demo)

  • Hello! In my game there are certain points where the player can move at very high speeds using the bullet behavior. The result of this is that sometimes the player will move so fast that they'll partially phase right through a solid wall and get stuck in the middle.

    I've accepted that there's not much I can do about this except change the speed... or perhaps have the game correct itself? Like if the player gets stuck in the floor or a wall, I could just set their position to be right above or behind the solid so they're no longer stuck.

    It sounds good in theory, but after several attempts, I can't seem to make that work correctly. Is it possible? And if it is, where would be a good place to start in terms of coding?


  • So that's what lerp does. :P

    Thanks, thehen

  • Hi, I was wondeirng if there was some kind of method to change Scroll X slowly rather than instantly? In my game, I make sure the player can see further ahead than if the scroll was focussed on them. The result is that when the player turns to the opposite direction, the ScrollX instantly changes position so that they can see further ahead in that direction and it looks kind of silly, not to mention distracting.

    In most sidescrollers I've noticed the player can move across the screen a certain distance before the screen actually scrolls and I think this would be a good way to do it... I just can't think of how. Any ideas?


  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open File



    Observed result:

    File is unable to open because I renamed a tiled background.

    Expected result:

    File will not open

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes/no

    Firefox: yes/no

    Internet Explorer: yes/no

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 64-bit

    Construct 2 version:


    Every time I name my tiled background, the saved file won't open. It always says "Cannot find object texture file 'Grid.png' in the project texture folder"

    "Grid" is what I named my background. However, I'm able to open an identical file just fine, except in this case I left the tiled background as its default name.

    I've seen similar posts to this in the search, though not specifically about backgrounds, so I figured it may be a bug.


    EDIT: One thing I'd like to add is that when I save it as a project file and rename the tiled background, it opens up fine. I'm unsure if that helps verify what's going on, but figured I should add anything extra that I find out.

  • I think I saw a post in here that said, "No one loves Classic anymore". Just want to say that I'm a very big fan of Classic, which is why it's so frustrating that there are so many small bugs that end up creating one big problem if you're working on at least a medium sized project.

    For instance, the issue of Fullscreen and paralax scrolling came up years ago from what I can see, and no solution was ever found. I imagine there was no solution to this, because as was said before, there were too many issues in the build of Classic, so the developers decided it was time for something new altogether rather than just fixes to the original.

    It's just a shame to me, because CC was probably the first piece of software I used for a game where I actually felt like I was accomplishing things. As someone who struggles to understand coding, I was actually understanding and learning programming fundamentals without having to memorize an entirely new language.

  • Thanks for the quick response!

    Hm, your idea makes sense, but one thing I can't figure out is:

    "is anglediff(angle(player,mouse),270) less than 22.5"


    When I use something similar to this, it tells me that "angle" needs four parameters and I only have two... to be honest I don't understand why.

    Another potential problem may be that from there, the whip will spawn too early, since the beginning of each animation is sort of a wind up so to speak.

  • Hello. I've run into a bit of a dead end with an idea I had and was hoping someone could perhaps point me in the direction of a solution (Or at least tell me if it's outright impossible).

    In my game I'd like the player to weild a whip which they can aim with the mouse cursor. This in itself is easy; I just have to spawn the whip at an image point of my choosing and set the angle of the whip to Mouse.X,Mouse.Y... but the tricky part is the animation itself. You see, it would look silly if the player wanted to whip upwards, for instance, and the animation showed the motion of the player whipping downwards. That's why I need some kind of way to detect the angle of the mouse before spawning the whip, basically as the click of the mouse happens, so that the animation will suit the direction the player clicked in.

    But so far I've had no luck in finding a way to do this. Any ideas?