mayhamurasaki's Forum Posts

  • clock no money for iOS ;(

  • zabo I'm glad you liked it!

    For now it seems that I had problem with Android versions below 8.0. Not in every mobile, but in a good part.

  • If it has nothing to do with it, Construct has an open problem then.

    It didn't fix itself, I had to do several internal test uploads to finally clear the error message.

    I had no support for that.

  • Hey thank you! Was my first feedback on tablet ^^

  • After a lot of trouble, sleepless nights, and a year of study, I was able to develop my first game =)

    It is a Break Blocks style casual game for Android.

    You control a cat with powers where the goal is to destroy all blocks before they reach the last row, summoning eyes and using spells~

    Unfortunately I already received some malfunction reports on some cell phones. I think Construct is not the best engine to export on mobile... But I learned a lot, and I hope it is the beginning of a great career!

    You can download the game for free on Google Play.

    Reviews are most welcome, and if you have any problems running on your device, please tell me the model and version!


  • Problem solved.

    I was testing on the internal test publication, exported without requesting permission from External Storage, and with Minify = none.

    I don't know which one solved, but somehow the plugin is having problems.

    I can now create products in the Play Console.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Here's the capx. I forgot anything?

    The public key are set...

  • Still the same =(

  • I already uploaded it, it's only in Publishing Pending.

    Unfortunately I didn't publish it as Alpha, it's my first time on the Play Store.

    Some people told me it was supposed to appear, others told me to wait, since the events are set up correctly.

    As soon as it is published in the Play Store I return saying if the error message is gone!

  • Maybe the APK need to be online on play store first?

    I will wait they accept my apk before config the products so :S I was thinking this is the problem.

    The error text just say "I need to upload an APK". I think before that I could config the products.


    When you least expect it"

    This looks amazing! :O

  • I'm using the official plugin MobileIAP on Construct 3.

    But when I try to config the products on Google Play Console, they ask me to add the BILLING permission to the APK.

    I saw another posts with the same question, but they have no answer.

    The plugin doesn't work??

  • I tried to post the solution I found yesterday, but apparently I was having trouble loading the forum pages.

    The first solution was to try to make collisions through Ray Cast, and after a bit of research, I found the solution in this topic:

    (REALLY thanks to Magistross!!! I could not have done the angulation calculation alone.)

    The second solution was for a tip to use Physics Behavior in a brazilian community. The collisions worked almost perfectly! The only problem is infinite bounce loops that happen with the ball, but it's not that problematic, I'm trying to solve this.

    And the third, actually reason, is that this bug probably happens only in small layouts. Searching for "bounce" in Construct 3 templates, there is an example of Scirra using only Bounce off solids that works perfectly.

    My project is set to retro style, and maybe the accuracy of collisions is not that good with frame rate. (I haven't tested it yet)

    Anyway, thanks for the help brunopalermo! You would have solved my problem too! It was really causing me a headache xD

  • I found several topics asking about the same, mostly unresolved issue, and those with a solution are outdated CAPX file downloads.

    The Bounce off solids on Bullet behavior do not working very well every time (It looks like it works according to the computed frames, not delta time). I'm looking for a solution for about 3 days.

    My last try was making blocks with 4 son objects who change the angle by collision. It was the closest sollution i've got, but not works very well on the corners (I think it bugs some times too, but at least are bouncing perfect).

    Older ones i've used a block with overllaping by offset, but not sucess.

    I'm REALLY begginer on logic, (works with design in fact) so maybe this is an easy topic and I don't know what to do. But i'm stucket for so long time =( this is just little ones sollutions I've tryed.


    How do I?