i hear some day here in the from that drawing / rendering colored pixels are much faster than transparent pixels ?
is that true ?
the link you give does not solve the problem
i have another way pm me
yes it's possible see the video plugin property "autoplay"
i have different problem ... when the video is playing it goes to full screen
i dont want that the video go fullscreen
You'll have to load an animation from url one frame at a time - there is no way to import a single animated file dynamically.
load an animation from url ?
can't undertand ... any simple example please?
look to angry bird template it will helps you a lot
how to configure a server to share images cross-domain ?
is this something with the .htaccess file ?
Ashley All
any help please?
i got exactly this error when i enable webgl
any solution ?
i got an error when i use load image from url using webgl
the error is Failed to execute 'texImage2D
sorry it was my mistake
those files are related to transition plugin
i did notice that when i export to cordova with the new c2 r244 that there are new files like the picture attached ?
what are those new files ?
thanks for reply
thanks for your reply
yes but how can i done it please?
i would like to know if the webgl2 avalaible for cordova / intel xdk on ios ?
any tests have been done ?
thank you
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