matriax's Forum Posts

  • I'm working on AsteroidX , is practically done, i added some twitter share buttons and learning how create some leaderboards.

    The game started as a simple test of a shooter game and seems will be my first complete finished project on Construct2 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    In some time i had plans to add some "bosses" but maybe for another large project, i want to finish something now so i removed a lots of ideas, if not i never finish!.

    The game uses two filters. The CRT and the RGB separation to give a good retro feeling to the game. Also uses the NormalMap effect for the Asteroids.

    About controls only the mouse, the ship moves with a Lerp expresion and the left click is only used for click on the Menu options and activate the Triple Shot powerup when you collect 8 yellow pieces.

    Some Stuff:

    Main Menu



    This is a video from the last beta:

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    Hope you like it! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • I'm working on AsteroidX , is practically done, i added some twitter share buttons and learning how create some leaderboards.

    Main Menu



    This is a video from the last beta:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Hope you like it! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • Here for my upcoming game called : Asteroidx:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    More info in our devlog with more videos and screenshots:

  • The "Scirra Arcade" plugin allows to upload the Score to a LeaderBoard ID that will show on the game page. OK.

    Is there any way to retrieve this scores into the game? Maybe in an iframe window setting the Leaderboard ID to show?

    I mean something like this:


    The perfect thing will be a score template on a .capx on you can customize the images and font letters and on you only set from what Leaderboard ID from Scirra Arcade you want to retrieve the scores.

    So, with an event you upload scores to a LeaderBoard using the Scirra Arcade plugin and with other retrieve all them fiting in the game. All without know/do nothing about PHP, DDBB or whatever in the most easy way possible.

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  • Yes, i actually have a black sprite with fade behaviour that is called by a function.

    So in the menus when an option is clicked i have set the "fade_out" function and afeter wait X seconds and go to X layout to leave time the fade out runs, but i have to set for each thing that changes the layout.

    Yes, is easy do it with events, but with that will save events to keep it all more clean and even more easy. Also a Buli-in Fade-In/Out effects like instead a fade maybe a squares, dot, pixelate or similar effects.

  • Some way to easy auto fade in/fade out from the layout properties.

    I mean, i have an event on layout1 like:

    On click X button > Go to layout2

    So a properties in Layout1 called "Fades" with:

    Fade-In: On/Off

    Time: 0.5

    Color: black

    Fade-Out: On/Off

    Time: 0.5

    Color: black

    So, when the layout starts do a fade-in and when the layout ends before go to the layout desired do a fade-out.

  • And without bound to layout even better..

    As you can see I use use the clamp() expression to limit the x and the y position of the object..

    Oh! i see thanks!

  • Well, you have this event:

    Enemy worm head is outside of layout

    > set worm advise x - to enemy head x

    > set worm advise y - to enemy head y

    So they are at the same spot..

    I always thought two things in the same spot have a distance of 0

    So the text is completely right..

    But you forgot the Advise have a "Bound to layout" so the advise not is spoted at the enemy because he can't move. to the X or Y <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> .

    If you set ever 0.1, etc... like chadorireborn says, the distance works correct.

    Look this: ... ance2.capx

    EDIT: I guess is a conflict with "bound to layout" that not left the advise go to the enmy and the distance that seems that to work too fast appears 0. Sure if i get another event instead "bound to layout" that works equals the distance will be fixed. But i don't know how get the same thing in the advise to appeasrs only around the layout without the "bound to layout" behaviour.

  • I see, with 0.3 works, also with 0.1 .

    Other idea is create another sprite, a circle one with 150x150 resolution pined at enemy_advise, and when the enemy overlaps change the animation.

    But well if somebody can fix it correctly using distance and savind add more sprite and events will be great.

  • Here: ... tance.capx

    When the head of the worm is outside the layout the distance is always 0 ¿?

  • I actually have:


    The idea is that i'm showing an alert when a enemy is created out of the layout, and an icon advise you. So First the icon is yellow, and my idea is that when the enemy is near(Low distance) change to a red color to give the idea will be appear in the screen inmediately.

    But the distance expresion only works for objects that are in the screen, when the enemy is out of layout the distance is always 0 . I'm doing something wrong? How can i fix it?

  • Should be easy, if you set everything up correctly..

    If you are creating family sprites through events, you should use

    on family normalmaps created

    pick family sprites nearest to normalmaps.x,normalmaps.y (or use is overlapping)

    >family normalmap pin to family sprites

    I finaly get working similar like you say, this is the way worked:


    on (Family)NormalMap created

    (Family) NormalMap is overlaping (Family) Sprites

    (Family) Sprites | Pick nearest to (Family)NormalMap.x, (Family)NormalMap.y

    DO > (Family)NormalMap pin to (Family)Sprites


    Without the overlaping condition or the "Pick nearest" not works correctly, booth are needed to work perfect.


    Edit: This is the capx to see ... fixed.capx

  • [quote:gc597px3]The reason it works in the start of layout is because you use pick nearest of the sprite-family and I guess the nearest is the right one..

    Correct, without the "pick nearest " not works.

    [quote:gc597px3]I would use the sprite-family on created, pick nearest enemy and pin, because it's possible that the sprite-family object doesn't exist yet on enemy-family created..

    Enemy-Family? or you mean the NormalMap-family?

    I tested various options like "on created & pick nearest > pin" or "On created & Is overlaping > pin" but nothing worked .

    I put a Feature Request here: . An option inside the Containers property to pin-to-pin the desired objects. With this i guess all this events discussed will saved, right?

    I will continue on day more trying to find the solution if not i will create a "NormalMap" group and add there all the pin-to-pin objects individually. Hope the admins ear this and add some feature to save all this in the future.

  • I don't understand..

    You want to pin objects that don't exist on start of layout?

    You can't perform actions on objects that don't exist..

    Then, why works? , This event actions works for me:

    On Start Layout

    for each (Family) Sprites

    (Family) NormalMaps | Pick nearest to ( Sprites.x , sprites.Y) -> Do (Family) NormalMaps Pin-To-Pin (Family) Sprites (Position&Angle)

    I have various objects in the layout that have a container that includes another that is the NormalMap, and when the game runs, with the previous event, every object creates their own NormalMap and gets pinned, so it's already works!. I guess the container action is made before the event "on start layouts" started, but as i said it's already works. Maybe to be more correct i have to change to "On loader layout is complete", but as i said it already works.


    So, for the objects that are already in the layout before the game runs they create another object that is the normal map and gets pinned. They are asteroids that move and rotate and as i said works, try it yourself if not believe me.

    Also i already have working that when a specific/individual object is created get the normal map pinned, but i can't get it working for a family and that's my question.

    I have that every X seconds an asteroid is created. This asteroid have a container that includes the NormalMap image. If i add this event works:

    On ObjectX created -> Do ObjectX_NormalMap Pin-To-Pin ObjectX (Position&Angle)

    So the idea is made that instead of add an event for every object created pinn to their normalMap i want use an event with family or similar to do the same like in the "on start layout" and save add events for every type of the objects created.

  • I'm setting the NormalMaps to every object and for the objects that are already in the layout works perfect using this:

    On Start Layout

    for each (Family) Sprites

    (Family) NormalMaps | Pick nearest to ( Sprites.x , sprites.Y) -> Do (Family) NormalMaps Pin-To-Pin (Family) Sprites (Position&Angle)

    Every Sprite have in their container the NormalMap image. With this i can add all the different sprites/normal that i want and they will be pinned, so if they move, bounce or whatever no problem,

    But how i do the same for sprites that are created previously? i mean during the gameplay .

    I can do it for every sprite individually using this:

    On ObjectX created -> Do ObjectX_NormalMap Pin-To-Pin ObjectX (Position&Angle)

    But how to do using families or with an event that works for all the sprites like the "On Start Layout", to no create a PIN event for every object in the game with normal map that will be create during the gameplay.