MarkusR's Forum Posts

  • i think they forgot to archiv the last version at steam and r200 is Latest Stable.

    u can download here:

    with a file hack u can overwrite the version at own risk.

  • what means agility?

    i test it with r200, can play it in two (firefox) windows at one pc.

    (if possible please use zip files, it have a build in support in windows.)

  • if u drag a window at title bar there appear anchor points.

    move your mouse pointer over it and drop the window.


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  • change it in project settings did not solve the problem but thanks for your help.


    i got it, very stupid, my invisible collision boxes was wrong.

  • hi there,

    what do i wrong?

    why can i see the player in water at the edges but out of water not see the red background?

    thats my first try make a platform game.


    me using beta r199.

  • tested even at my pc , started your capx project from c2 (not beta), then remote access over ip, lookes smooth at my moto g with 4.4.4 os.

    only the up event is with tap gesture, means at y axis the red ball move only at tap,tap,tap,tap.

  • thanks

  • Nickel,

    Ashley act a little bit hastily in closing "bug" reports^^

    in r198 the sync did not work anymore if a tab is hidden or the window is minimized.

    the sprites go hidden and reappear. can agree it was fine in r197 and before.

    so i guess there was any changes or maybe old bug fixes was lost.

    why not compare the changes from r197 to r198?

    it can also happens if the multiplayer object without changes get intern from c2 some other input.

  • Ashley, its the same problem me had ...

    the window in tab got inactive ...

    can't send u a pm!

  • Yo, i did not find How I Do a "official Feature Request"

    i will hack the saved-with-version in file next time if needed ...

  • yo, i have a similar thread open because i thought there is a problem with signalling server.

    clean cache i done even. using also a ip and startet c2 as admin. start from website is the same problem.

    but tab switches do not change the connection. don't understand what u mean.

    host & client i have as log entry.

    in my video u can see both games are still connectet.

    also if the tab is in forground the pieces disappear, should not happen.

    yes, in 2 windows it is ok.

    p2p connection with same ip should not be a problem because ports are used for data transfer.

    i still think its a bug because in last betas i not had this problem.

    also because there was some optimizations for more speed.

    I appreciate for your help.

    ahh u remember me i want install chrome browser at my pc for testing.

    edit: chrome show exact the same problem within tabs.

    it belongs if the window get inactive for example at minimized.

  • i spend hours with it.

    the simple pong multiplayer game have the same effect at r198.

    see screenshots. pause on unfocus is no.

    all multipalyer events have a log entry.

    the gaming pieces destroyed once if client joined room, the sync create it then normally.

    "every time when i switch tabs the info text says i just connected,"

    u got a message? me not. message below is still host or client.

    some new info: if the game runs in seperate browser window everything is ok...

    the problem is only with tabs.

  • here a short screen video, its better than every explanation.

    look at the tab changes.

    for the gaming pieces i used sync object.

    for other reader,

    r197 was fine, i tested always within tabs.

    pause on unfocus = no (problem happens also in open tab)

    i think i used at all multipleayer event a log entry.

    i did NOT hide or show this gaming pieces in any way.

    some new info: if the game runs in seperate browser window everything is ok...

    (did not mean it is solved)

    same issue in firefox and chrome browser ...

    the gaming pieces also get invisible at client if the host window go minimized

    and reappear at client if host window goto normal state.

    that is not wrote in manual. also not expected. (not saw a event Multiplayer.Inactive/Activate)

    if opponent minimized his window or change tab all sprites disappear unwanted at client side.

  • i think it not belongs the connection.

    if me change to other tab, and switch back the sprites appear and then they disappear again.

    i make a new screen video for it ...