Mark4Media's Forum Posts

  • haha, great,

    I was just going to ask this when a saw your post!

    I think i'll going to do this:

    at the beginning i lookup if the browser is firefox.

    If it is i set a variable to 1.

    When the raster is build i'll implement an or/else, at which the variable will set the difference.

    But that's going to be tomorrow... Thanks again!

    Kind regards,

    MAD (Mark aka Dark)

  • Hi,

    As i read the manual about text rendering and the best practices page i got the feeling that nothing can be done about it? Or would changing to webfonts help?

    Kind regards,


  • And here is mine.

  • Hi all,

    I've made some adjustment to the game. Currently there is one issue. I made a forum thread for it: Issue

    Adjustments made:

    Font color of the numbers changed to black;

    Font of the numbers changed;

    The last number block is always yellow;

    Made some adjustement to making of the grid and placing of the blocks to make them more centered;

    Fixed the bug when the give up screen and how to screen are open at the same time;

    As soon as the issue is solved i'll upload the updated game!

    Kind regards,

    MAD (Mark aka Dark)

  • In my game "Rastermind" is see differences between the layout in IE and FF. I created the game using FF. Now i get bugreports about wrong placings of objects. At first i didn't understand, until someone reported he was using IE.

    I tried the game in IE, and indeed, the placings of some objects are wrong. Now, i did place the object wrong intensionaly (a little lower then wanted) because the objects were higher placed in FF.

    So basicly its not IE thats going wrong, but its FF placing the objects to high. Does anybody has a solution for this problem?

    Thanks in advance!

    MAD (Mark aka Dark)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi,

    I tried your game. Nice layout, very neat for a first game i think (saw much more worse games).

    Sometimes the fly didn't dissapear immediatly. It did disappear when i tried to get another fly.

    Is it possible to restrict the name to a certain amount of characters? I could give in a very, very long name. :-) And try to make the "let's go" button more aligned to the input field.

    For the rest, well done!

    Kind regards,

    MAD (Mark aka Dark)

    UPDATE: removed the part about the music and sounds. My volume was down. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I started an translation for Dutch. Any members who has allready done this recently?

    I read some posts which stated that adding a language isn't possible, only replacing the english one. I tried some stuff, and it is possible. I copied the en-EN one, changed the file name to nl-NL and placed it in the language folder. Then i edited the second line of the xml to:

    <language name="Dutch (NL)" ietf-tag="nl-NL">

    Save the file, and start C2. Go to preferences, et voila, c'est ca!

    I someone wants me to make a extensive tutorial of this, just let me know.

    MAD (Mark aka Dark)

  • Good game ;-p, this piano music is really good choice for this kind of game.

    Same suggestions as ramones about last number changing color.

    Improve your text display, seems letters and words never centered into squares.

    About numbers font & color :

    - Use a less "bold" font giving here a little smudge effect.

    - Try black color instead of white.

    Hi nealian,

    Thanks for the compliment.

    Good suggestion on the numbers font & color. I'll try your set up.

    Kind regards,

    MAD (Mark aka Dark)

  • I got to 81 in 201 seconds on my first try. It looks pretty good. A minor bug: if you click 'give up' and then click on 'how to?', the text overlaps. And a suggestion: make the last placed block yellow because it's easy to lose track of where it is, especially if you want to go back a few steps.

    Hi Ramones,

    Thanks for your reply. I'll fix the text overlap.

    Good suggestion on the last placed block, I'll add that too!

    Kind regards,

    MAD (Mark aka Dark)

  • Hi all,

    Today i've uploaded my first made game ever. It's called "Rastermind".

    I think i've much to learn, so please comment on the game with your tips and tricks.

    UPDATE 15-05-12:

    Yesterday I uploaded a new version. In this new version I made some enhancements and fixed all reported bugs:

    • Used a better font at the numbers;
    • switched the font color of the numbers to black;
    • fixed the Firefox bug related to the position of textblocks
    • made a new rastersystem consisting of sprites instead of textblocks. This provides a better clickable area coverage.
    • Block under the highest number is always yellow, provides better tracking when going back.
    • When going back the block underneath the last number stays for a while.
    • Fixed the overlapping text bug when "how to" and "Give up" screen are open at the same time.
    • Made some better use of the or/else functionality.
    • Exactly 99 events!

    I'll upload a projectfile later.

    Play Rastermind here

    Have Fun!

  • Try adding 'For each Sprite' above the 'Sprite is overlapping Text' condition. 'Is overlapping' used to have a built-in for-each, but if you specifically need per-instance behavior you need to add it in again now.


    That did the trick.

  • Hi all,

    Yesterday i updated from r84 to r89. After that one of the events didn't work properly anymore. It seems I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, so maybe you guys/girls can help me out.

    Situation: I have several instances of a Text object. When a text object has content, place a sprite over it. When a text object has no content, delete the sprite over that particular text object instance.

    Creation is no problem, but deletion isn't working anymore after.

    The code for deletion is:

    Sprite > is overlapping Text: no action

    [subevent]: Text > has no content: Destroy Sprite.

    Before this worked, now it only works when none of the instances have content.

    I hope this explanation is clear enough, if not, let me know!

    Thanks in advance,

    MAD (Mark aka Dark)

  • ah, I understand, sometimes you need to improvise!


    Thanks for the support, and keep up the good work, this tool is cool!

  • ?

    Beta release for production uploads?

    Im a professional software tester and in my world it's absolutly not done!

    But anyway, thanks for the reply!

    Going to upload my first game ever!

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • yeah,

    want that the Kongregate content too.