mariogamer's Forum Posts

  • thank U so much 4 your help

    stupid question... what do u mean with the entire it not related only to the variable ?

    is it also ok...or is it totaly wron to make it like that ?

    thanks 4 the help

  • thanks a lot... so that is the MINIMUM of code ?

    can U give a look to this:

    it seems to work..but i don't know if I made is a very short code ... 2B8wLcd4EM

  • hi sorry, i am new in this saving did no really work...

    I have this.. if i press + add 1 to global ...if i press - subtract 1 from global... if I close and reopen the game it should remember it... could you maybe post a image of the code ? thanks

  • hi guys, i was wondering what is the cleanes, and shortest way to save a global variable ( i saw many examples, but feel that i do not need all the codes)... i need this: press + key = set value 1 , press - key = set value 0 and each value is always saved as local strage...

  • very hard question :

    when I export as "resizable & windows frame" I am able to scale down the game like a standart there an option that turns the window frame simply to black bars like in the "resizable mode " that can be coded ...after the player has resized the game as he wish ( I am asking because the window frame ***** as design on a game??? ps: when I export as solo resizable it looks good...but its not so userfriendly as a window frame...thats why I would like to get rid of it or let it apaer whenever I want

    thanks guys

  • thanks 4 ur help..I think it was FIREFOX...on chrome no problem

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  • here is the file...if you move now arround...sometimes its slow..and suddenly very can I fix that ??? Or did I delete wrong codes ??? but only that refers to THIS sprite

    thanks..its sooo important for me ... V-tdAP_l9Q

  • wait I send U a link of the capx

  • hi, i have copied the entire 2 strings...+ all behaviors of the Smooth_Scrolling sprite + family seems that some how it "remebers"the few times i move a bit the stick to go slower...and keep that speed even I move on 100%.... is there any code that makes the speed equal ???

    Capx is 500MB

  • No, I mean this code: Part_2 Smooth Scrolling Movement

    I use that one for the space ship..not the 8_direction one.... The movement is perfect...but it slows down every 5-6 seconds for a few seconds...

    Maybe its also for the fact that pressing a bit the stick its a slower there a other similar way ?

    thanks 4 ur help

  • thanks, is ther another sode for a precise smooth movment of the character ( im not talking about the scrolling of the screen) ? somehow in my layout there are suddenly slowdowns...can I make my charater move with equal speed using somehow this code ? thanks

  • Hi guys,a question about this this cool tutorial: ... k-movement

    I have one BIG question... i am interested ONLY in the smooth the smooth scrolling one... why does my player sudenly go so slow...because its every thick ? Is anybody here who can make in the way that the speed is alwasy equal..and not changing according how far U r from the stick center ? thanks


  • thanks so so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Hi guys..I have 15 frames in an animation..

    howcan I make change frame moving the anaolgue stick ?

    I tried but something is not working

    I have devided 100 value of the axis with 15 frames... so every 6 one frame changes.

    So if stick is on 6 show frame 1...if stick is on 12 show frame 2 and so on...

    but it is not working... can somebody show me how to change manualy trough left analogye game stick frames ?


  • thank U so much 4 your help