Margaritas's Forum Posts

  • Hey guys, I'm Roy and that's the first creation I'm posting here!

    Guidance is a mini project I made in 6 hours. The game's a retro-themed platformer, featuring 8bit music and pixeled (but somehow polished) graphics.

    You are playing Mr. Pointyhat (and ignore the name, it is as random as the rest of the game) and your objective is.. Well.. Unknown.

    You're entering the game's world without knowing what the heck's going on, who are you, where are you, and what is it you're looking for and it's up to you to figure all that out.

    The game is divided to 'screens', the camera is not following the character like side scrollers but instead switches to the next scene every time you leave the former one. There are no levels - but one big hell of a map with 50 screens to invastigate.

    Some screenies:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    Instructions: Arrow keys, A to jump.

    Playtime: 10 to 30 minutes.

    Everything in this game: idea, music, graphics and programming - is mine. The game is inspired by Niffla's Knytt Stories. (Play it, it's cool)


    If anyone having an unreadable font problem: <- copy paste to Windows\Fonts

    I hope you'll enjoy and wish you luck solving Guidance!


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