marcinkowski's Forum Posts

  • Everybody said that platform games are shaking.

    Even when you do all things like Origin and image points.

    Maybe it's time to do something with this ?

    I waste 3 weeks to fix this problem but when play, everything still shaking. I can't work at my game any longer ;-/


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  • I don't know why but was much bad becouse I haven't centered image points (using numeric:5)

    Some says it shaking when there is too much blocks sprites etc.

    Noiw I don't know why is shaking

  • I have r70

    If I delete keyboard events - when falling animation walk is playing.

    Now I would like to set jump when player is stopRIGHT

    It should be simple but doesn't work.


  • YEs I understand keyboard events but I think that aniamation should working without declaration about keyboards.

    Becouse if I don't press key: left - animation should fall left becouse we add:

    "is animation jumpR playing - set aniamation to jumpR"

    But without keyboards events that was not working.

    Now I have trouble with jump when player animation stop left or stop right.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Thanks

    It works but I dont understand why it doesn't work without keyboard events ;-)

  • If I do like this - That's doesn't work.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Ok I added variable = 1 when player walk right

    and 0 when walk left

    now it's work but I'm not sure it's cool ideal ;-)

  • Yes ok byt you don't have something like this:


    Animation WAS...


    Animation is

  • Hi

    How to set animation when player is falling but he was jump on left ?

    Now I had:

    Platform is falling - Set animation to "fall"

    How to add:

    Platform WAS jump on left.

    I tried use mirrored and "ping pong" but doesn't work becouse all player animation was mirrored.


  • I got it

    Problem was that I added this:

    Sprite2 is visible - Set doubleJump to 0

    thanks fo capx

  • I stil checking your capx, but it's works for you if you don't need to jump. Maybe I got this jump but it doesn't work. I can't jump.

    I checked global (right corner) and now when I back to layout 1 - sprite is invisible.(so only that work)

    It looks like this.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • eh doesn't work for me.

    event sheet 1

    global var - doublejump = 0

    When player found DoubleJump sprite = Add 1 to DoubleJump (global)

    DoubleJump is visible - when System set DoubleJump = 1

    And Layer 2 doesn't remember this. I can't double jump in layer 2 and when I back DoubleJump sprite is still there (but I taken it before)

  • ok, about point 2:

    So if I back to layout 1 by tuching door - I should add event - delete double jump ?

    But soetimes player couldn't find double jump in layer 1, so haven't got it yet. So I can't delete it.

  • 1. My player gets double jump on layer 1 and global variable it's =1

    What to do to still have this variable on global var in next layer ?

    2. Also whn I take double jump in first layer, go to layer 2 and back to layer 1 - double jump is there again. System should remember that i take this sprite.


  • thanks I downloading but I'm sure I got it

    here is my card:

    <img src="" border="0" />