marcinkowski's Forum Posts

  • You don't need to move those conditions. they should stay where they were before. You only need to move the on destroyed condition and its associated actions to be a main event.

    heh ok mekonbekon

    I don't understand because I think this event is under another and inherits everything. So as I move, I will not inherit those conditions (trigger once, live, type).

    There is many ways to move it:

    I'm not very smart at this hierarchy.

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  • Yes, move the Enemies|On destroyed event and its associated actions to be a top-level event rather than a sub-event and you'll be fine.


    I tried make new event but I can't paste "trigger once" here.

  • Burying a trigger that deep down in conditions for no apparent reason will bring you soon or later into problems. Because the trigger needs to discover the whole logic path up to the parent condition to find out if it is allowed to run its actions.

    Better change that 'On destroyed' event to a top level event.



    Ok, but then i must add rows from this previous event yes? And then it would be a new event.


    + enemies < 0

    + system trigger once

    enemies on destroyed - Add 1 to kill

    Add 10 to PP

    Sad set to invisible

  • I'm counting hits that my object taken from towers. If this number is = 0.6 I do something.

    I have action: Add random(0.3,0.6) to hited(obj. variable)

    And system not gather random values. When I changed for one number "0.6" system counting properly.

    Is "random(0.3,0.6)" is correct value?

  • mekonbekon

    yes there is container, so now it's understandable.

    thanks much for another metod advice!

  • My object has pinned "spech cloud" but when object die, cloud die too. I want' to make this cloud fade out. It's not matter that object is destroyed.

    This is not working and cloud die when object die:

  • If you have more than one Enemies: Destroy action in your code under different events then it can simplify your code to use "On destroyed".

    Using "On destroyed" can also get around some problems with multiple enemies being destroyed in the same tick; if the "Add 1 to Killed" etc actions if are placed in the same event as the destroy action they would only be triggered once regardless of how many enemies were destroyed. Whereas "On destroyed" ensures that those actions trigger for each enemy.


    You said "On destroyed can also get around some problems"

    Ok So if in this case many enemies are killed in same tick, I should have "add 1 to killed" in "On destroyed" or not. Of course I want add 1 killed for each enemy.

  • thanks OddConfection

    I cant add "destroy" because game is crashing ;-( This enemies has got pinned "think cloud" and when I destroy it, I'm destroying many things in the game, like LifeBar of enemies or lifeBar stops changing when enemy is hitted.

    This works for me only:

  • Better new event or put everything for one event?

    It now works in two versions, but I do not know if it affects something negatively.

  • Hey

    Is there something wrong if I use set invisible for killed object instead of destroy?

  • Ok solved mekonbekon

  • Hey mekonbekon, Still not working.

    Mean is showing, but when this enemy is destoyed something weird happend to other Enemies in the back and front. They have picked Life Bar and this bar is getting crazy, showing wrong value and when tower kill them this bar stays in place (should be destroyed).

    When I disable this event everything is fine. I tried many things that's why I created enemie variable "hited" because event doesn't work with enemies life: 5> life >3.

  • Hey

    OK, I added Pin behaviour to object. I need to show what object is thinking about when moving path Only for 5 sec.

    But now all object has got pinned this cloud for all time. Just my events don't work. I need show this cloud for some objects randomly and cloud should gone.

  • Hey!

    How made effect that bullet push object or shake him little. But important is that object should be moved in right position, so when I shot from right, he should be moved to left


  • Ok i just changed this crappy "sprite Font" for "Text" and now it's simple to change font etc.