MaorKeshet's Forum Posts

  • Hi Ashley

    A list of known memory limits on some popular devices could be very helpful. I looked for it around the forums and manual but couldn't find such a list.

    To be more specific - I want my (pretty heavy)mobile game to run smoothly on iPhone4 and Galaxy2. What would be the memory limitations for these devices?


  • Servontius - I was about to ask the very same question. Thanks for gathering the questions for me :)

    I was wondering if there isn't a way to get the Alpha value on a given point on the sprite. (Something like Sprite.Alpha_At(X,Y))

    Another approach may relay on the difference between the RGB values when the sprite is visible/invisible. This may be used to store the alpha data into an array and recreate the "walls" with a 1*1 sprite.(Something like RGB_At(X,Y))

    Is it possible to access any of this data?

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  • works at last :) thnx.

  • TheBogueRat - the link looks alright but it seems that you didn't set public sharing to the file on dropbox. I appreciate u keep trying :)

    Some good news on my project: I deployed the project to my server and I'm getting much better results. So it looks as there is a Preview on LAN issue involved as well....

    The looping is not very precise but it is good enough for my needs.

    For future reference, my solution is:

    1. Use the Audio folder and NOT the Music folder.

    2. Preload, Play and Pause all your audio loops.

    3. Play non-looped audio and re-trigger it at end of file.

    4. For activating a specified sound use Seek (to sync the new loops to the loops that are already playing) and Resume.

    5. For deactivating a sound use Pause.

    6. Add a re-sync event: this is a repeating event that sends an identical Seek command to all sounds. This will fix sync problems that may occur due to performance limitations.

  • I managed to get good sync on the iPad: I'm using seek action to trigger non-looped audio.

    As the audio file ends it triggers the same file to create the repeating loop.

    My problem is that there is an audible delay at play start of the new file, so this solution is practically no good :( Any ideas?

  • MaorKeshet

    Example CAPX

    I think I learned more about posting a file to this forum than I was able to show you about Audio... Hope this helps.

    TheBogueRat I'm not quite sure about that... the last link links back to the topic page... at least this loop is working fine ;)

    BTW I find dropbox very handy for file sharing.

  • Thanks a lot TheBogueRat ! Can you please fix the dropbox link I would love to take a look.

    I am actually working now on a solution quite similar to what you described.But now theres a new issue:

    The mobile Chrome on the iPad sets the loop from the seek point, not from start of file...It took some time to figure out- all is perfect on the desktop but total chaos on mobile... the workaround I will try now is to set manual looping at each loops end.

    ShagenBake I hope some of this info will help :)

  • Anyone?

  • Hi

    I searched throughout the forums but the only topics I found were at least two years old and the issue was not resolved back than. Sorry if I'm missing something that was already posted.....

    I want to create an Audio Multitrack Player where you can play all different audio loops in sync and choose to mute/un-mute each of the loops to create your own "remix".

    This engine has to work properly within a mobile app (android and iOS) that I plan to create with Phone Gap.

    I have created this test project :

    It works fine on my desktop Chrome.

    (The annoying delay when looping is the result of poor looping job by my music guy... Ill have it fixed today and update the file.)

    When I tested over LAN preview I got the following results:

    Safari on iPad mini - works fine

    Chrome on iPad mini - mute/unmute dont work :(

    I have tested it with the Set Volume action as well, but I get the same results.

    Since I am not very familiar with PhoneGap so I wonder if the problem is going to persist on the mobile app. As far as I know the PG app runs on Chrominium which is a version of Chrome...

    Are there any suggested solutions/workarounds or PG settings that may resolve this problem?

    Thanks a lot!

    EDIT: The issue is now resolved. See my post on page 2.

  • Great. Im all set than. Thnx much!

  • Thanx ramones :)

    I was not aware of that.

    Will "IF ShowResults.Result =0 Destroy ShowResults" work for me or will it destroy all family member?

    (Im not near my PC so cant test it till tonight...)

  • Hi xoros <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I have a text family named ShowResults including the objects ShowResult1, ShowResult2,...ShowResult(n).

    Each object has the variable Result.

    The multiple condition I want to run on the entire family is:

    IF ShowResult(x).Result=0 destroy ShowResult(x).

    Family variable will not help here since it is common to all family objects.

  • Anyone?

  • Hi all

    Just licenced my C2 so I figured it is the right time to also join the "friendly community" (as Scirra put it <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )

    I looked through quite a few posts but couldn't find an answer for my prob: What I am trying to do is to run one "family condition" on multiple objects (all from the same family)so each of them is destroyed or not according to its own variable value.Is it possible to make such action with a single condition line? I only managed to make a condition with the family variable, but not with object variable.

