mailalon's Forum Posts

  • didn't try it yet, will try the suggested plugin . Thanks

  • Thanks I have to admit that this is the first time im doing it and i couldnt find an complete explanation on how to do a freemium app

    i want to unlock some screens on one time purchase, what i am missing is

    1. how to set in-p purchase (inside of the project not on the app store)

    2. how to store purchase so if a user purchased and come back the app is completely open

    3. how to restore purchase on a new install.



  • Great, any chance to share capx or screenshot of event sheet with Cranberry IAP ?



  • Hi Lennaert , what do you mean by that ? i thought admob is a sperate ad network

  • I would like to have cross promotion of my apps or to have ads for other games and for that would like to use especially RevMob & Chartboost, is there a way to do so ?

  • or is kongreagte the only game distribution venue possible ?

    I would like to find a platfrom for games with a lot of players that also allow me to host my game there and embedd it on my personal site

    Any other ideas ?

  • I emailed their support yesterday morning without any answer yet. I have to admit that not answering such a key issue is worrying me as a paid member

  • i wonder why there is no official answer from Scirra, this is a must have for ios development and i couldn't find any official documentation on the whole process.

  • OK, so i made my app

    added it to itunes

    now how do i really test that the whole IAP process really works ?

    Purchase works

    returning to the purchased app keeps purchase


    and so on...

    The documentation on scira regrading IAP is really lacking any step by step approach and example on how do do this. Anyone having examples on the process ?

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  • Hello

    I am working on an app for little kids (under 5) and on that app i would like to promote via banner (or a button) another kid app of mine

    When a user click on the banner i would like it to open directly itunes pages of that app

    i know it is possible via the browser plugin - however i understand that if i do it this way it will be cassified for 17+ ?

    is there a way to cross promote apps without being age restricted ?


  • great guys, many thanks that was really helpful

  • hello

    I have level buttons on one screen , if you rtouch each of them it will send you to the right layout

    howeve i want them to be locked unless a condition happens

    for that i create on layer a large button that is hiding them however if you touch on that area where the buttons are (below of that layer) they can are still active

    Is there a simple way to block tapping on all objects on a specific area ?

  • anyone ?

  • hello

    I have a menu screen with 10 buttons each leads to a game screen

    3 are free to play

    the rest i would like to lock to be opened only after iap was made ?

    Is it possible at all with IOS or do i sepnd my time here ?

    Does IAP really works with IOS ?


  • great, ill try - many thanks