Magistross's Forum Posts

  • You might want to take a look at the AJAX object. Send request to some PHP scripts of yours to save data to your MySQL database. Be wary of the "cross-domain" paragraph !

  • ramones

    The only problem with that is the triggering of the event before any mouse over. Could be meaningless, but it depends on what charusoft is trying to accomplish.

  • I don't think there is any, but you can simulate it by using a boolean instance variable and 2 events.

    • Cursor is over object : Set object's boolean to true
    • Object's boolean is true

    + NOT Cursor is over object : <insert your "on mouse out" actions (and set boolean to false)>

  • Thanks ! Always glad to help, and good day to you too ! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • In your folder "C:\ProgramFiles\Steam\steamapps\Common\Construct2\Construct2-Win32\exporters\html5\plugins\New Folder", can you actually see the 3 .js files and the PluginIcon.ico file ? If so, then I don't see why it's not working ! <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Weird ! Can you actually see the official plugins anywhere ?

  • Where are your Steam Apps installed ? If you left it by default it should be something like "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\". Construct is probably somewhere in there. Just copy the plugin folder in the "exporters\html5\plugins" folder (or "exporters\html5\behaviors", for behaviors <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />)

  • Ok, your construction is somewhat right, but the else never fires (because an empty condition is always true). When you click the button, set the text to "Win", we assume the solution is correct unless proven otherwise. Change your condition to "not equal" and get rid of the else statement altogether. You don't need any extra sub-event under the loop. You should get something like this :

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • You could do the same with a 8x8 2D array, and a wider range of values for the different pieces. I wonder, why the 4-35 range for your pieces ? You could also store piece values as strings, like "BK" for "black king" or "WQ" for "white queen". Doesn't change anything but makes your events easier to read ! ;)

    Basically, you'll have to create one set of event for each different kind of piece. You could do it with a function that receive 3 parameters : xPos, yPos and pieceType. Depending on the pieceType and the positions, you highlight the tiles that can be moved on.

    How familiar are you with functions and array manipulation ?

  • How do you represent your game state for instance. Do you use an array ?

  • Yes, there is way. But to help you, it's important to know how you handle your game logic.

  • Yep, you're on the right track. But the "curValue" from your "array_Solution" doesn't iterate at all through the array. Just replace the "array_Solution.curValue" with "array_Solution.At(array_Level_1.CurX,array_Level_1.CurY)". And add a "Stop loop" action, no need to continue the iteration when one error is found <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />.

  • Add a subevent to your For each XY. Insert your condition to decide to spawn grass or not, and add the create object action.

  • Is the speed correct ?

    I can't see anything wrong with those events...

  • Look at the properties of the bullet behavior for your asteroid. Try using "Set angle" to no.