Mabaet's Forum Posts

  • While I'm sure low res game to be played on higher res mobile will get stretched, I'm not quite sure with the other way around.

    How is 1080p res(resolution) going to play on lower mobile resolutions like 480p. Let's say it's both same aspect ration 16:9.

    Hows the image quality/performance/window size/etc.

    I'm new but read tutorials and manuals here. Though haven't seen any info about this, or maybe I didn't understand it well enough. Help, thanks in advance.

  • Any one here who plays DOTA 2? I'm 5.7k, see me at SEA Leaderboards. I stopped playing about a week ago so I can focus my work here with C2.

  • Nows that this is a thing, I'm hesitating to buy a C2 lisence considering that I'm just saving enough money for it.

    Any idea or guesstimation when's C3 coming out?

  • Simple way would be to put all objects into one family and then spawn family.

    What is the other way for free users?

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  • Thanks for the replies, I've figured out on how to make an array-like for sprites, this would totally ease up my work.

    codah, yes, I said from the first question that I have the free one, I knew about the family in the manual and guides. I had C2 for a few days only, I need to get to know it better first. I'm planning to get license when I can and when I'm satisfied with C2 (Currently, I'm quite cool with it).

  • Let's say I have this homing missile turret aiming at this sprite. Now example there are more same sprites in the way, how do I make the bullet not hit them and only hit the targeted sprite.

  • To start, I've only played around with C2 for a few days. I've read the manual. I can't seem to do a logic in C2 that I want to work.

    I'm trying to test out a tower defense game. Let's say I have 20 waves/levels. In each level there will be 10 same enemies spawning. But each level will have different enemies.

    The normal way I see from guides is that I need to create individual spawning/collision/targeted/dying/etc action for each enemies, so that would take a lot of same lines for each enemies and for every new type of enemy I add in the game.

    Can't I just have a array for Sprite? There is for text & number, but I can't use those to manage my Sprites.


    If I have an array for sprites, lets say spriteArray. So this has XYZ. I'm gonna use X only for this example.


    spriteArray[0] = Ogre //=== Notice there's no quotation marks, so it's not a text value like "Ogre".

    spriteArray[1] = Troll //=== I tried using text to try to spawn object matching the strings on my text, but there's no such thing in C2.

    spriteArray[2] = Witch

    spriteArray[3] = Shark

    currentLevel = 2 //=== number variable

    On Function Call >>> Repeat x10 >>> Spawn object spriteArray[currentLevel]

    When I finish the level, I'm just going to add 1 to currentLevel and I can just use a function to call Spawn object spriteArray[curretLevel].

    See also, if at some point, I decided to change a Troll to a Golem, if in the normal way, I would have to find each every line that has something to do with Troll and replace it with Golem, which I find inconvenient. If I have spriteArray, I can just change one line, the spriteArray[1] = troll on the start of layout.

    Saving a lot of lines and time and a lot of managing when editing creep. I know about the Family feature, but it's not the thing, it doesn't do the job(Or maybe I'm not knowledgeable enough about it since I have no access to it to play with). Spawning a family creates random sprite, which is not what I want.

    I can't seem to find a way to do this. Can help me find a way using this logic?



    When a bullet hits a Family of enemy sprites, how do I pick the individual sprite that got hit by the bullet? I want to save lines, time, and works instead of manually doing bullet1 colliding to enemy1 to enemy40+ and doing the same thing for bullet 2 to bullet 10+,( thats like 800+ similar lines alrdy). I don't mind the event sheet line limit for the free version, it's just this is inconvenient and impractical.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hey awesome people, I'm Karl. I just want to say 'Hi!' to all. I'm currently working on two great projects, one is a tower defense and the other is an endless runner sort of game. Though I'm using the free version and I've learned quite a lot recently. I'll get the personal license soon when I can. Thanks for this amazing program and community, now I can start something I'm passionate about!
