Lunarovich's Forum Posts

  • Since you have the map coordinates of the FOV tiles, you could test the tile distance with a Pythagorean theorem and than round the result to get an integer. Then you could set a tile frame as desired...

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  • You are welcome

    Actually, there is a For each visible map cell condition.

    Does this answers your question?

  • Hi I've just completed a Roguelike plugin - a C2 rot.js interface. Could you please add the plugin to the C2 Plugins and Behaviors List?

  • UnusualCadence Hi! I've just added the seed functionality

    Hello everyone! I've just completed the V 1.0 of the plugin. Please send all your future comments, bug reports and requests in the Completed Addons part of the forum.

  • For all Roguelike fans, here is a C2 interface to an excellent rot.js javascript roguelike library.

    "Generate map" action generates the map data and stores it in the plugin internal dictionary (the plugin is based on the Dictionary plugin): the key represents map coordinates and is of the format "x,y" (e.g. "12,34"); the value is a text character - "." for floors/passable tiles and "#" for walls/solids.

    Plugin can compute a discrete (map cell based) FOV (Field of vision) from a given map coordinate:

    Plugin can compute a discrete (map cell based) path (Dijkstra algorithm) from a given map coordinate to a given map coordinate:

    Configurable room width & height and corridor length:

    Loop through all rooms and access room edges and center (useful for a map object placement):

    Added door hooks. You can get X & Y coords foor each room's door...

  • plauk, Thanks!

    Added version 0.9 of the plugin. You can now get room's door coordinates. Also added another dungeon digging algorithm interface and a dug percentage option...

    I still have to implement an interface to several very useful cellular automata algorithm options . You'll be able to use them to set the algorithm to dug interesting natural-like topologies...

    Than, I'll consider the plugin done

  • JohnnySheffield Thanks a lot on the advice. Didn't really think that much about licence and all this stuff. In any case, it will be available for commercial use free of any charge (I think that rot.js is also) but with a licence included.

    I shall be busy these days with my PhD, but you could expect a finished version in two weeks

  • JohnnySheffield Glad you like it. I have not finished yet the plugin. I shall think about it's licence when it's done. Basically, it is supposed to have a same licence as all other plugins.

    tatogame Thanks man! As I said before, I need to add the code for accessing door locations (contact points between corridors and rooms). Union algorithm for dungeon creation will be added also. Afterwards, I will release the version 1.0 which will be safe for the game development in the sense that new versions will be compatible with existing versions.

    After that point, we'll have to thorough test the code to make it bug free

  • It would be just great to have a feature to determine a corridor width. I'm having in mind a game project that needs exactly that functionality. However, this is not supported by rot.js, at least not yet. I'm thinking about writing to author asking him to implement this feature.

    On the other hand, I am thinking actively about some workaround. I don't dare to change the library itself, since it could easily break something...

    For now, I am reflecting on a manner to implement a door functionality. It exists in rot.js: every room has info about its doors (coordinates of associated doors). I still haven't found a satisfactory way to translate it into the plugin. But I'm on my way

    When I do this, I'll consider the plugin done and will ask for it to be transfered to the other part of the forum

  • If you choose a DungeonDigger map generator type, you can input max/min values for room width & height as well as for corridor length. There is no direct way to control the number of rooms. However, choosing a map size and room dimensions will give you roughly what you want...

  • Thanks! I've just uploaded the near beta release. You can now loop through rooms and get room edges and center... Very useful for object placement...

  • fldr, you are welcome! As for the doors, the plugin will actually let you get an array of rooms and corridors, and door coordinates for rooms (junctions of rooms and corridors). Afterwards, it will be on the user to decide what he/she wants to do with the door locations.

    shinkan, I've just added a notice to the "Generate map action". Thanks for the suggestion. Thanks for the congrats ) go to me, the javascript logic behind the plugin is made available by the rot.js javascript library author...

    P.S. I've just added the improved version 0.5.0 of the plugin...

  • You're welcome! Currently adding configurable rooms and corridors...

  • You're welcome

    The plugin is functional / usable. I still have to add OnMapGenerated, OnPathComputed and OnFOVComputed triggers. Also, there are some neat options for customization of map generation: max/min room size, max/min corridor length, etc. Hope to add all of these in a few days...

    Afterwards, it's testing, testing and testing And finally making great Roguelikes in C2!

  • OK. Thank you.

    For now, I am just "blindly" copy-pasting the Dictionary functionality needed by my plugin It works...