lucid's Forum Posts

  • First criticism: why have chosen a binary format for these files? It is brittle (some files I tried crashed the runtime of my version of Construct) and it is totally awful to use a version control system (VCS) with them: hard to make incremental saves, no diff, no preview...

    I am a proponent to use VCSes beyond pure programming field, such format is the files in a textual format (.anme).

    the files it saves include the graphics resources inside the cap file

    also, i think its its own physics engine. im not sure but i dont think its box2d or anything else

  • yeah, that's actually why I want it (custom controls plugin)

    but the pRuntime->GetControlState isn't in the 99.3 pRuntime, right?

  • nevermind, after tonight when chat totally froze to insane levels

    we should go ahead and fragment

    it's convenient to just click chat, and most new users will

    but if we could add a link to java based irc chat, and/or regular irc chat

    to this #construct

    it's so nice to just type something and have it appear there within the same century

  • let's see if it works again...

    I heard a rumor in my head that the 99.4 sdk will be released sometime tomorrow before noon

  • a more convenient list is there when you're typing in a value or something such as height, double click the system icon at the bottom for a full list of expressions, and you it will insert the text for you

  • I'm not a dev, but isn't this going to fragment chat?

    I mean, if anyone is using it, it must be, because I'm not, and neither are the people I'm usually chatting with, so that means we're splitting up chatters

    not to rain on anyone's parade

    just saying

    this is like sega releasing the 32x

  • is there a simple file overwrite I can use to change 99.3 to 99.4

    like just copy one or two things over one or two other things

    so I can start working on the new custom controls plugin?

    or I guess, can we have the 99.4 sdk fastly?

  • in case you're wondering about benchmarking btw

    mine didn't slow down

    4200+ athlon x2 dual core

  • lol

  • you haven't played braid?

    what's wrong with you?!

    quickly! go! get it!

  • Will post a theme at exactly 7pm gmt-4 and also I'll be in chat.

    is that 7 pm


    or 7 pm gmt


  • ordinary arithmetic operations should be ultraquick, though, and adding an extra addition or division sign in an equation shouldn't make any difference

    I could be wrong, but I think you should probably run into your cpu bottlenecking because of the event system much sooner than because of math in most cases

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  • awesome stuff link


    when an object is absorbed, does supposed to add the mass of the object to the object that didn't get absorbed?

    also, an idea, could object size changing according to mass should be a multiplier you can set, to make it more general?

    like 0 would mean there would be no change in size regardless of mass,

    and 1 would be the way it is now

    10 would be 10 times more size difference per part mass

    I mean, what if you wanted to make super gravity guy, the tiny alien with gravitation powers, who can absorb objects at will, but you never wanted his size to change?

    and maybe a starting mass property, so you can decide the scale of your game, I might want a 10x10 pixel star to be an ultra heavy object in my game.

    supercool stuff though

    and it's interesting to see where that line of questioning in the plugins forums was leading

  • click left mouse button to choose a random string

    after looking at the cap, this is how/why it works:

    all you're doing is making a string by sticking together two parts

    for instance

    "hello,"&" how ya doin?"[/code:ulh6eztr]
    would add the strings and make it [code:ulh6eztr]"hello, how ya doin?"[/code:ulh6eztr]
    so when you get the values from the hashtable with 
    it's picking a random number between 0 and 3 and sticking it on the end of the string "msg"
    making it end up as one of the strings that's set in start of layout by adding the random number to the end
  • i dont know how to write plugins that create or manipulate graphics in any way that isnt built into construct. however, one of these days i was considering making an easy fontsprite splitter app with construct. and i coulf include that feature