Thanks, found the playback rate but I cannot figure out how to set it to the car speed? Any ideas..tried for a very, very long time to figure it out and can't
I don't see pitch anywhere
Trying to set the engine sound to match speed of car. Any help would be appreciated
This isn't quite what you are asking for but it's an easy way to zoom ... .capx?dl=0
You can try:
SYSTEM/On Start of layout/SYSTEM/Set layout scale to 2
I have tried for days to get this to work, just so everyone knows...not just trying to get free help.
In the event sheet: Add event/System/On start of layout
Add action/pick the sprite with physics behaviour/set world gravity/ to #?
...the higher the number, the faster the object will fall
Trying to adjust the proper density to keep beads/water completely inside jar on a heavy movement. Thanks to anyone that can help! Copy & Paste Only..not enough rep vs water density test.capx?dl=0&preview=metal+vs+water+density+test.capx
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Before you build the APK in Intel XDK, you need to go to Projects( in the upper left) than expand (Build Settings) and change the APP ID and APP Name..then build the APK, then it should upload to GooglePlay.
I hear that bro! Been trying and trying and trying to do the same thing...but no results yet
I'm trying to figure out the same thing, I was able to build my Android Crosswalk Cordova APK with Intel XDK fine before until i updated the XDK I can't seem to build a compatible APK file for my phone? Any help would be soo appreciated! My phone is a Android model SGH-T399N with 4.4.2. Thanks
When the player gets within a certain distance of the enemy..trying to get the enemy to flee at a random angle away from the player. Any help would be appreciated
That's it! you are awesome Shadowdawnz...soo much appreciate you taking the time to help me!
Thanks alot for your help! Appreciated very much..bless you too
Confirmed EDIT: It downloads successfully but it seems you are using the latest beta so I can't open it.
EDIT: It downloads successfully but it seems you are using the latest beta so I can't open it.
Geez..well thanks so much for trying!..not sure what to do now? Would I have to install an older version and resave it as a single file?