Anyone interested in making a game where Donald Trump wins the presidential election?
First of all, this would be completely fiction of course. It would not be a prediction of what would actually happen more of playing off fears that people have of what could happen. For example, there is plenty of material here: ... -President
I have seen plenty more similar Quora posts and I'm sure there is a ton elsewhere.
Off the top of my head I thought:
You play as a Hispanic male deported from the U.S. but desperately need to return to your family (in the US) (maybe family member deathly ill). Your journey would not be an easy one. First you must get past Trump's giant border wall. Then you must traverse across a chaotic America, for example race riots in the south. Your travels will bring you in contact with diverse characters and unique situations. There will of course be some heavy moments but also contain notes of satire to lighten the mood at times.
I just thought of this today, it would have to be done before October or else be pretty irrelevant, and I would need some kind of artists help at least. So a long shot, but thought it was worth a forum post . . .