Lou Bagel's Forum Posts

  • Nah, you're just doing work for him.

    If you don't want him in, go campaign for someone else.

    Not campaigning here, I barely follow politics.

    Even friends/acquaintances/co-workers that barely follow politics have been talking about what would actually happen if he got elected. So it is a topic of interest right now. Right now I would take a look at any game similar to my idea as it is an interesting 'what if'.

    There are a lot of games, tv shows, movies about aliens/martians attacking Earth and such. Does that mean the creator thinks that if aliens do exist they would be 100% evil and we should kill them all? The scenario is playing on the fears of the unknown, it doesn't matter what the creator really believes. Realistically, if he was elected president I believe there is a high percentage chance that nothing horrible would happen directly caused by him (not trying to become a debate post though), but that would make for a pretty boring video game . . .

    I made a Trump Simulator where you protect the "Great Great Wall". But I changed the name to President Simulator instead and made a fictional president instead of Trump. He gets enough attention anyway Not as deep as your idea but its something x)

    Here it is if you want to have a look:


    Anyway good luck with the project

    "Not as deep" as my idea but the big difference is yours is a game and mine is just an idea. So kudos for making/finishing it. I will check it out when I get a chance, thanks!

  • Anyone interested in making a game where Donald Trump wins the presidential election?

    First of all, this would be completely fiction of course. It would not be a prediction of what would actually happen more of playing off fears that people have of what could happen. For example, there is plenty of material here:

    https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-worst ... -President

    I have seen plenty more similar Quora posts and I'm sure there is a ton elsewhere.

    Off the top of my head I thought:

    You play as a Hispanic male deported from the U.S. but desperately need to return to your family (in the US) (maybe family member deathly ill). Your journey would not be an easy one. First you must get past Trump's giant border wall. Then you must traverse across a chaotic America, for example race riots in the south. Your travels will bring you in contact with diverse characters and unique situations. There will of course be some heavy moments but also contain notes of satire to lighten the mood at times.

    I just thought of this today, it would have to be done before October or else be pretty irrelevant, and I would need some kind of artists help at least. So a long shot, but thought it was worth a forum post . . .

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  • I am using global variable called coins.

    Are you doing the following:

    Adding to 'coins' when the player is collecting them

    Comparing if 'coins' is greater than the cost of the item when a player tries to buy it

    Subtracting from coins when purchase is made

    If so, what else are you trying to do?

  • actually on second thought I actaully need the coins one, because If the past couple of days have taught me anything, it's that coin and high score are pretty different. Please Help!!

    Are you using a global variable for the number of coins?

  • ... Unlike the old asteroids where the ship would traverse the level when you go off the screen, I'd like to make the screen a border so the ship cannot leave it (but the asteroids can leave it), any good advice on the best way to do that?

    Isn't Bound To Layout behavior exactly what you are wanting?

  • don't you think that global variables would be better? I

    Depends on the circumstance

  • Wow, that does look awesome and like an NES game at the same time. Awesome stuff.

  • > Clean water is often considered a rare commodity in this scenario.


    Good Idea, but wouldn't it feel like the water should give health instead ?

    Water giving health makes sense.

    You should probably add some more story behind the character. If it is a wasteland out there why would you be just wandering about if it so dangerous? You would find a dwelling then only go out to scavenge for food, water, and whatever other supplies.

    This isn't great but just an example off the top of my head:

    There is a disease caused by the nuclear fallout that is plaguing mankind and this scientist thinks he found the cure but needs to collect samples (of something) to create the vaccine.

    It's hard to think of the best way to 'keep score' in a post apocalyptic world as the only goal is usually survival . . .

  • nvm the coins I figured it out. What I want most is the shop. I want to know how to make the game save a player buying a character, so they dont have to buy it twice. I would also like to know how to make the bought character equipable.?

    Sounds like you will just need to setup instance variables and check those variables. For example, boolean called 'bought' and if bought then don't show in shop but show in inventory and make it able to select.

    I have tried tutorials, but they're too complicated and I spent a long time searching the forum for similar requests

    Don't say it is 'too complicated'. That just means you have more to learn but makes you sound like you don't want to put any effort into it. It will make people not want to help you.

    You also should to tell everyone what you have tried and what part isn't working. Many people will gladly help you and make suggestions when they hear what you have tried. But no one wants to build a whole project for you.

    Are you using instance variables for the items?

  • Something like this?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ab6hyjlvmgaj ... .capx?dl=0

    Of course just set the yellow sprites to invisible for the final version. Also, this doesn't recover the path when after disconnected, so probably don't want to destroy those sprites but move them and move them back when disconnecting.

  • Hi,

    I want to make pathfinding of electricity, so I need to navigate them through the cables. Any way to make reverse pathing of some sort?

    Change "Obstacles" from "Solid" to "Custom" on the sprite with the path finding behavior.

    I'm not sure if you can reverse it so much easily but this won't automatically use objects with solid behaviors as obstacles, and it can pass through solids. You will then have to set obstacles with your events.

    You could try pinning invisible objects on all four sides of your solid sprites and setting those objects as obstacles. You would then have to remove the instances covering the ends somehow when connection is made.

  • Woah there, a lot of questions jam packed together without a lot of information. Not sure it is the best way for you to get answers.

    Have you looked up tutorials on each? What ways have you tried? Or even considered?

    Did you make a global variable to hold the amount of coins?

  • I only read the topic in diagonal, but have you checked the C2 Academy tutorial I made on RPG dialog box and XML system ?

    Isn't it what you are looking to achieve ?

    How to make an RPG style dialogue box -



    I started watching a bit and it looks great! Thanks, I'll have to check it all out when I get the time.

    ...I'm not sure when I will have an hour free to watch it all - do you have a text version or capx anywhere? I have setup a lot of that already but haven't implemented response features (yes/no) or anything to deal with messages larger than the textbox container.

  • Here is another example:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/wb1m2qabp38ln ... .capx?dl=0

    I put the xml aspects at the top.

    Sorry these are not very clean examples. I won't lie, it is a little complicated to setup at first, but after you get going it will make working with your text very organized. It will also give you some flexibility for characters with multiple things to say, randomly picks something to say, and cause some action afterwards. So I think it is worth it to learn.

    I may try to put together a capx and tutorial for xml but in the meantime let me know if you want to learn.

  • Actually, I already had this in my dropbox:

    https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jbr4wlb8mwx5 ... 1uvta?dl=0