Lou Bagel's Forum Posts

  • If the example is throwing people off let me enlarge it—ABABCDAB, if sorted one at a time would never change to ABBACDAB. Bad example—should have at least said ABBA

    But that part of the question I think Newt took care of anyway

  • >

    > > what newt said or use IID sorting

    > >


    > How would you sort by IID?


    same as you sort them by z-order just you give it another id in this case IID instead of UID (z sorting however is more of layer type of thing it might be that IID is not the best aproach )

    So let me paraphrase your posts:

    1. Try sorting Z Order by IID

    2. IID is not the best way to sort Z order

    lol, am I misunderstanding something?

  • what newt said or use IID sorting

    How would you sort by IID?

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  • Having an extra family has no drawbacks.

    Don't think of it as families in a family. It's merely a family of objects grouped together for z sorting.

    I would suggest just making a family variable that uses the y value, and sorting by that to start.

    Ah, I never really realized that—you can add one object to many different families? For some reason I was under the impression that it could just belong to one family.

  • I am thinking through the process of changing over my Z order sorting to using the new(er) event and thought I would think out-loud (here, in this post) in case anyone has any tips, as I haven't dealt with Z order much.

    I'm also a little confused on dealing with this:

    [quote:3d825f7p]then inserts the sorted sequence back in to the holes left behind.

    This means if I have two separate families I can't really sort them separately using this? As it sounds like if the z order was ABAB it would never get changed to lets say AABB—it would always stay ABAB as the instances in the family are only changed with themselves. It would be nice to have separate families and not have to lump everything into one family.

    My projection goes left when (perspective) farther away so was thinking assigning the variable based on distance from the top right. Maybe have a modifier variable that I set manually, so family instance variable = distance(top of project, right of project, instance.x, instance.y) + zModifier

    Then when player and NPCs moving would it make sense, to save processing power, to use the move next to action instead of constantly resorting everything? Because if only one object is moving it seems to make sense to only move that objects z order instead of resorting everything

  • Also working on pixel art for several office game ideas. Just finished cubicles, first attempt at decorating them, and set up z-index for them.

  • Thank you nemezes & !

    not just turkeys...turkey zombies!

  • Smooth and solid!! The game is coming out great just wondering can you speed up the player a little, just a fraction? Otherwise this game is addictive and fun.

    SPOILER ALERT: the player will be able to be sped up after obtaining a medkit, which will help heal his leg injury.

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  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Decided to make a Thanksgiving edition Demo (very small demo though):

    Survive the Night of the Living Dead Giant Turkeys

    Note: intended for mobile (will work in desktop browser though) and to get rid of the navigation borders you can simply add to homescreen. This does not download anything, just saves as a bookmark.

  • I can do it.

    How do I continue counting with the game off?

    Are talking about having a real time game, like where you close the app and when you come back later resources have accumulated? I believe that usually requires storing data on a server.

  • Every second subtract X from health variable

  • Where's the fit red head hiding? Can't believe she's not in the demo.

    added, ha!


    ...meant to do that a while ago

  • Great graphics, I like them a lot!


    I didn't want to bump an old post...but now that it has been bumped already here is an update:

    Been working hard on making a new color palette. These colors look better together?

    Now hopefully I can make new assets faster and thinking about making little separate mini-games with these.

  • , I am curious to see what happens when the zombie gets the guy..

    Unfortunately I haven't made an animation or programmed that yet—with all the testing/debugging I've gotten so good that the zombies rarely reach me! ...so I keep forgetting