lorinbeer's Forum Posts

  • OK, I think I got confused. What path to my project? Is one of my projects that i have complated? In APK?

    Nevermind, I think I got it now. reread all the steps and it's making more sense.

    great! Do you have an android device handy?

  • finally, we build our project. Now, I haven't a hot clue if this will work: I think ant is distributed with the Android SDK. Let's find out:

    9. open the main activity for the example project in an editor

    look in PenderExample/src and follow the directory tree down to the activity

    open up the activity located in PenderExample/src/com/pender/example/exampleactivity.java

    10. replace everything under the package statement with:

    import android.app.Activity;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import com.pender.Pender;

    public class PenderActivity extends Activity


        /** Called when the activity is first created. */


        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)



            mPender = new Pender(this);



        private Pender mPender;    


    11. build your project,from your PenderExample root, run

    ant debug

    12. install on a device

    adb install bin/blah.apk

    where blah.apk will be something like PenderExample-debug.apk

    Alternatively to step 11, you can now import the Library and Example project to eclipse, and let it build and install for you

  • OK, I figured out what target meant :). One step 2. Woot!


    almost done!

    6. update the example project so it references the library

    android update project --path <path> --library <libloc>

    "<path>" is path to your project

    "<libloc>" is path to your library

    assuming you've made both in the same toplevel directory as the repo, the command would be:

    android update project --path PenderExample --library PenderAndroidLibrary

    for project called PenderExample

    7. next copy over the assets directory to the client project, not the library

    cp -r pender-android/assets PenderExample/assets

    for project called PenderExample

  • 3. next copy the source from the root of the repo to the root of the library project

    cp -r pender-android/src /path/to/your/pender/library/project/src

    so if you made the pender library in PenderAndroidLibrary in the same directory as the git repo, the command would be:

    cp -r pender-android/src PenderAndroidLibrary/src

    4. next download the Rhino lib: sourceforge.net/projects/penderstaticlib/files/rhino1_7R5pre.jar

    5. put the rhino1_7R5pre.jar file downloaded in 4 in PenderAndroidLibrary/libs

    yeah, target id is the APK, type: "android list targets" to get a full list of the targets installed on your system.

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  • ugh, that's ugly. You're running this on a windows machine, aren't you? :)

    grep should be available for cygwin, that will enable the build tool to run the 'android' tool. The create script using grep to swap out arguments. The failure of curl is also likely a platform issue.

    What we need is native windows build tools, but that will take a day at least. Let's see if we can't do this manually.

    first let's run android and create our projects

    1. android create lib-project --name Pender --target <targetid> --path <path> --package com.pender

    where "<targetid>" is replaced with the latest android target and "<path>" is the desired path to the project, call it PenderAndroidLibrary

    2. android create project --target <targetid> --path <path> --package <package> --activity <activityid>

    where "<targetid>" = latest android target

              "<path>" = path to project, should be same dir as the Library Project

              "<package>" = com.pender.example or whatever you want to call your example

              "<activityid>" = name of the main activity of the example, let's go with ArcadeEd

  • My pleasure! Let me know how it goes!

  • Hey folks,

    About a month ago, I was contacted by a member of your forums concerning the Pender Project. What's a Pender? A few of the highlights:

    • fast DOM-less JS execution environment
    • Hardware acceleraned graphics through a HTML5 Canvas API
    • Supports multitouch events
    • compatible with PhoneGap/Cordova

    In a mouthful: Pender exposes a hardware accelerated HTML5 Canvas API to a pure javascript environment. Write an app purely in javascript, and the Pender API run it on any droid device running OS 8 and up.

    Pender is compatible with PhoneGap/Cordova, allowing several use cases:

    • Cordova Drives - embed a canvas element as if it were a native canvas
    • Pender Drives - leverage the Cordova WebView for GUI control of your app

    You can find the project here:



    • updated android sdk on your path
    • unix shell or equivalent (cygwin for windows)
    • null

    getting started:

    navigate to the tools directory:

    cd pender-android/tools

    run the create script:

    ./create -c

    The script will dump out what it's doing on the terminal, which is a lot.



    • finds latest android version installed on your system
    • creates an Android Library Project, and copies over source
    • downloads static library dependencies
    • creates a Pender Example project
    • updates example project with PenderLibrary link
    • null

    All you need to do is replace the MainActivity class in the example project with something like the following

    package com.pender.client;

    import android.app.Activity;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import com.pender.Pender;

    public class PenderActivity extends Activity


        /** Called when the activity is first created. */


        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)



            mPender = new Pender(this);



        private Pender mPender;    


    The build tooling has a lot of options. "-c" indicates that it should build a "client" project. Please not that using many of the options (like specifying a path) will break portions of the build. That's ok. Ping me when you come across something, or report an issue on github, and I'll get to it asap. Or better yet, fix it and send me a pull request!

    This seems like a great community, and I'm looking forward to working with you!

  • Hey folks,

    thanks for the concern and the patience!


    clone the repo and run from unix shell or compatible (cygwin, etc)

          ./create -c

    This will create an example project linked to the PenderLibrary project.

    There may be some rough edges going forward, but I will be available to sort out any issues you have.

    email me, or post an issue to the github repo.

    Good Night and Good Luck!

  • Hey folks,

    I'm going to keep you in suspense for a few more days, I'm going in for surgery tomorrow, but will be back on my feet (or at least at my keyboard) shortly.

  • Hey folks!

    My name is Lorin Beer, and I am the creator and primary developer of the Pender project. I was recently contacted by one Mr. WINK on the forums here concerning the dismal shape of the current GIT repo.

    Please stay tuned, I am currently out on sick leave, but have been hacking on Pender.

    A little about Pender:

    Pender is a code name for a cross platform rendering library offering a hardware accelerated javascript graphics API on mobile platforms. Currently targeted platforms are iOS, Android, WP7/8 and BB. Each platform has a proof of concept demonstrating the feasibility of the method used to provide the OpenGL ES hooks to javascript.

    Pender Android uses Rhino, a Java JS engine by Mozilla for fast js processing. The demo code in the downloads section of github shows a simple render stress test, with 40+ individual sprites rendering at 35+ FPS on a Galaxy Nexus device.

    However, working with the Uxebu boys and bonsai.js, we noticed an unacceptable slowdown when processing js calls to a <scarequote> realistic </scarequote> js codebase. The reason for this is simple: Rhino produces jvm bytecode for optimization, but that fails when running on a dalvyk java environment.

    So, the latest move is to replace Rhino with V8. Please expect an update to the git repo in the next few days. I'll update it with the dev code on my machine, as well as (working) build instructions.

    Thanks for the interest and stay tuned!