surendhra Most welcome son
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
our korbaach is very intelligent person
kiugetski if wish tolearn more this link will provide you with many tutorial ... 7YPza?dl=0
simwhi error 404
surendhra Try link below there is demo of all kind to learn
moomeowowl before you start adding Events add TOUCH behaviors to your project same as you add mouse, keyboard
Ayolabi12345 find your answer here
urmel you find your answer here
shaygan What is the purpose and reason you wish to do that? please explain then I might be able to help. Reason I ask is this way you could hack someone PC and we at C2 forum are not likely to help in that. Thanks
Aphrodite That's one way of do in it
Gigatron thanks son LOL
I am availalbe on mail ...
there is no link with this
Gigatron son your work in FX are wonderful my grandson Kai Stoneman 9 year old says grandpa I want to be like Gigatron and learn. How is that for 9 year old Gigatron
Gigatronson how would you like to swap your brain with this oldman? lol wonerful work on BMAP love it
Gigatron have rest son LOL