I have a question about performance as I am working on a mobile game (1280x720). Which of these conditions is best practice, or if neither, can you explain how best to accomplish the goal without sacrificing FPS? I have read in the performance guides and manual that using large objects is not best practice especially when you could be repeating a smaller object with a Tiled Background.
GOAL: Create a single coloured object (no colour deviation) in the UI which is 32x720 for minimum performance cost.
OPTION1: Create an Object and size it to 32x720, fill in the colour, then drag it onto the Layout.
OPTION2: Create a Tiled Background object and size it to 32x32, fill in the colour, then move it into position and stretch it out to be 32x720.
OPTION3: Create an even smalled Tiled Background object (2x2), fill in the colour, then move and stretch into shape: 32x720.
Thanks for your help,