That is a LOT of questions. "Some people told me do it with arrays or local storage but I dont know how?" That's your issue, I would look at array tutorials, there's a nice basic one to learn what arrays are and how they are used. Once that is complete then you'll know how to add data to an array and store it. I believe if someone just sends you a capx you won't know how any of it works will you? So it will be difficult to then expand on it to make a game. This also sounds like a big effort for a first game as it will require lots of database information to be stored. In general though, yes if it's some kind of management game you are going for then you can store a player and each related data in an array and grab it later by finding the position in the array. I guess you would display that information in text boxes. You would probably assign them 'team' data so they can be listed in a team and then if you want to swap them to another team you update this data. I don't think there's any way to provide a 'small capx' for this, it's more progressive, you will start with data and build upon it until you have player selection in a list and then transfers available, because what you are describing above is pretty much an entire game. In terms of presenting the teams, if you mean in a list then that will be a case of searching the array for all data that contains that team name and listing the players. If you mean actually playing some soccer graphically you would have to make that, randomise some movements of dots on screen or something similar.
TLTR: look at some array tutorials and get comfortable with using arrays as your game will rely on it.