lionz's Forum Posts

  • You could add the text strings to array and push them through as the conversation goes on, you can keep deleting the top element of the array so (0,0) will show in the text box. You could set up an event that says when a variable is such a value then set text to something, such as 0=show textA, 1=show textB, increase the variable on key press.

  • It picks something at random or it's a predetermined conversation that runs until an end point?

  • Move add 1 to deadEnemy to an 'Enemies on destroyed' event and see if there's any difference.

  • You are right the events will run top to bottom, unless they are a trigger event like on created, see

  • When you view the variables they will be correct, but they are not correct in the tick (1/60th of a second) that you look for the path. Your code works like this :

    Spawn villager

    Find path to town.x using default villager.gotoUID (they will all find a path to the same town)

    Change villager.gotoUID after path already found

    It does event 15, then 17/18, then 16.

    You need to wait for a bit to allow all the variables to be set and by that I mean probably 1 second but even a wait of 0.1 secs in the on created event above find path would show it working.

  • The issue is exactly what blackhornet described so not sure why it was ignored.

  • Try making use of conditions (press C on the event), it means that when something is true or set then it'll block out an event from running. So you could have movement with condition variable collideEnemy=false, so when collideEnemy=false you will move every tick. Then on collision with the enemy you set collideEnemy=true for a few seconds. This will stop the player from moving until you set collideEnemy=false again.

  • hiya, you can use a condition so when you get hit during the 1.5 seconds, for example set a variable to 1 then back to 0 after 1.5. Then under your damage event you add the condition when variable = 0, so when variable is 1 during that 1.5 seconds you cannot be damaged.

  • Possibly creating many particles every tick without realising. Possible the particle effect uses a lot of memory so a few on screen kills the FPS. Possible that the particle effects are never destroyed so many are on screen. Particle object is not recommended for mobile game anyway.

  • I notice in that tutorial there is nothing that tells the monster which detector to use, so I guess what's happening is the logic sees that a detector is failing to collide with the ground, and then issues a command to turn around to ALL monsters. The tutorial seems to assume you only ever have one monster and one detector, but since I didn't try building it myself I might be mistaken about something here.

    You could try using a Container to automatically spawn the monster and a detector at the same time. That way each monster instance will have its own detector instance. It should be easy to try out, and might just work without further changes to your events. If you haven't used containers before, they are explained in the manual here: ... containers

    There are some tutorials out there for them too, I'm sure. Good luck!

    Yep you got it. Also I think all of the detectors are attached to the one monster. Event 1 seems to imply that every detector you spawn would be set to the one monster object with the lowest UID. So when detector is not overlapping, move the monster, well all the detectors are in the same place and all it takes is for that overlap to stop happening to affect all enemies. It's not a fantastic tutorial as it doesn't explain or utilise picking, the detector sprite does not relate to its own monster and breaks if you add more than one monster (you would expect more than one to be on screen in the classic style game he is describing). If you are going to do monster walking in this style then you would need to put detector in a container with the monster as you mentioned, or relate them to each other in another way such as matching IDs or variables. I would do it a different way though, have 'sensors' at the end of platforms that send the enemy in the opposite direction on collision.

  • round(position.y) is specifically the closest integer

  • You can set it to floor(object.y) which rounds it down or ceil(object.y) which rounds it up.

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  • Well i took a look at the games you mentioned, it is just an animation played at certain angles, which is how top down games will usually work. You use the 8 direction behaviour and the player will be facing a certain way, the sword anim will play according to that.

  • What is not working?

  • You use Construct 2 to import spritesheet and play the animation. You create the sprite animation elsewhere.