lionz's Forum Posts

  • Well the first problem you have is a bug where when you create a turret you 'spawn' one but also the turret created as part of the build tool is placed, so you create 2 turrets every time. That needs resolving first. Also when you create a turret its already upgraded because you are 'touching' it when you create it.

  • You'll have to share the actual c3 file at this point, it's a bit convoluted now with the addition of the build mechanic, tough to really know what's going on. Looks like you can apply upgrades why you are building if the variable normal is set to 1 by default.

  • Yeah i see it now, see my edit above. The hold gesture just picks all tower=1, but if you do on tower touched, it will only change the one touched, or is that a problem for the gameplay? I guess use 'is holding over object'.

  • Do you mean tower 1 2 and 3 are the levels of upgrade or are tower 1 2 and 3 different types of towers? You shouldn't have a problem with this because if you say tower 1 touched - change variable, it should only affect the tower being touched, not pick all of them.

    Edit: Ok I see your screenshot now, it would make it easier if you did 'on object tapped', the hold gesture will pick all towers.

  • They are advising people to move over to the C3 runtime in C3, because it is new and previously was using the C2 runtime. Construct 2 will be maintained for bug fixes only, no additional features

  • I just meant spawn a tree at x = random(0,800) y = random(0,800) if 0 and 800 are the size limits of the layout, in its simplest form. It would pick a random value for x and y i.e. spawn tree at 43,290. It really depends on what you are trying to achieve.

  • If it's a random location then you can choose between a range of x,y and place it.

    If it's set locations but the items are random you could add the resources to an array and assign them as variables to location sprites.

    There are loads of ways it just depends how the game works. I can't really imagine your game but randomness is easy enough to do.

  • Looks great, good luck with it!

  • Well you haven't lost anything, that's why the autosave feature is there. It's going to be difficult to tell what's going on but from the look of it you saved a file called Dave.capx 2 days ago, and since then you have been working on a different file called Dave.capx.capx so maybe you are working on a different capx saved elsewhere and didn't realise. You may have done a save AS over the 2 days and saved AS Dave.capx.capx in a different location and continued working thinking it was the same file, meanwhile the autosaves continue to go in the same location.

  • No problem, if it is resolved then that's great!

  • Not easy to understand, needs a better explanation really. The tower health etc would be done with instance variables on the object instead of global variables.

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  • I meant something like this will be enough :

  • Some random objects have appeared there, not sure what they are. Link your capx and I can take a look.

  • You don't need to use UID. When you say ball overlapping signpost it refers to the one you are overlapping and picks that one only. Set text is on the right side, an action, textBallControls set text to ""&signpost_info.variable

  • Player overlapping door object, go to Layout 2.

    Or if using keyboard to open door, you can add keyboard object then say,

    Key is pressed and player is overlapping door, go to Layout 2.