You need to set angle, default is 0 to the right. If you are using bullet behaviour you can set bullet angle of motion.
You have a trigger once, should just run one time ?
Use another variable (2) on the object to determine if it has been clicked, set it to true when you click it and change the other variable (1), otherwise it is set to false when not clicked. Then on the event for changing variable 1 you say only if variable 2 = false.
Yep. You didn't mention the sprites are created in original post, you said for each sprite it creates a map.
If you put the player and legs in a container, they relate to each other, you don't need to pick separately. So when you say for each player > set legs, it picks the related legs, that's all you need.
You create the platform at 0,0 so create the coin directly after at X=0, Y= however high you want it from the block. Also give the coin the bullet behaviour so it moves left like the platforms.
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Add the legs in a container with the player then you don't need to use pick nearest
I don't see how a random user can help with this, post it as a bug
You can set the variable on the sprite as it's created and before you spawn the map if you put the events in the correct order.
There's no way to specify the object created from a family but also you don't need to make a condition for every sprite object, you could do something like create map object by name where the map you want is an instance variable on the sprite.
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Right now only way I can manage is to create a local variable/parameter and make a condition for each parameter value, which is cumbersome waste of space.
What do you mean?
Yeah it is probably any product IDs, but you could've tested this in the sandbox environment before pushing it live. I would stick to the specific product ID, making it any purchase because you have only one product has caused some bugs. There's also no way to revert it because I don't think you can track who genuinely has the local storage flag set since both events triggered it.
Are you on android? Either way the workaround is how you should've done this originally, not sure on that first bit of logic, unlock the full version on any purchase, that was your design?
Every 1 second add 1 to the global variable. When global variable is 60 - game over.