lionz's Forum Posts

  • It doesn't work on the actions because text_value is in a container with item and not items. You could try bringing out the set text action to either every tick although not really advised for too many text objects, or having a function you run every time you change the inventory that picks all text_value and sets them to items.value to kind of refresh them. You always want the text to be correct so imo better you refresh it often to have some control.

    Yes it is good for making hypercasual mobile games.

  • Hiya, you can sometimes encounter problems when multiple instances finish in the same tick which is what would happen here as all instances of Sprite2 begin their timer together and finish together. A possible fix is to add a condition 'for each Sprite2' with the On timer trigger.

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  • This is a strange check to have because if the text box is focused you are entering text and the shift button use is part of that. If on shift pressed > set unfocused doesn't work then I can't think of a workaround.

  • My approach would be to have a variable on the little energy blocks that is the value of energy you need so it will appear. So if you are above 99 then the first block would appear and if you are above 199 then the second one would appear etc, this would be one event that relates to the variable on the blocks - set visible if player energy total is greater than block.var.

    For half filled blocks you could use logic where if the total energy is higher than block.var and a second variable on the block which is the max limit, then you could adjust the height accordingly for how much it is above block.var, so for example 150 would be seen as between 99 and 199 and adjust the height by a number of pixels. To start with though for testing you could try opacity since you have a range of 100, so in this case the opacity of the block would be 150-99 = 51

  • Great :)

  • You can keep the variable as the % chance so 25, then you generate another number to compare against. So if you set another variable to random(1,100) it will give you a random num from 1 to 100 and the logic would be if the generated number is less than or equal to % chance then it would block. So for example 11 generated would block and 79 would not.

  • Try clearing browser cache, it should reset everything so when you launch Construct next it is the stable version and ignores betas.

  • You need to share some way of contacting you :)

  • When you have enabled beta releases in those settings and refreshed the browser it should prompt you to update to 227 when you launch Construct, you don't receive the pop up ?

  • The update mentioned is the pop up received when you launch Construct. If you have it set to beta then it will prompt you to update to the beta when you launch Construct next time.

  • Under settings there is an option to change stable releases to beta releases

  • How are you hoping people to get in touch with you if it's urgent? And I find it strange that you completed all gameplay for all games but didn't work out how to set an animation not to say you are being false it's just strange you would need someone extra for that. Also you didn't mention is this paid?

  • Your games look pretty good that you made on your own though :D you should post at least discord or something, having a conversation on the forums isn't the best use of them.

  • Anything that needs to keep the same state you can assign 'Persist' behaviour, this means they remain in the same state as when you left the layout.