lionz's Forum Posts

  • Unticked yes

  • You probably exported it while it was in test mode, try again

  • You can choose the starting layout in the project properties

  • There was never an image on that post from what I saw. You wouldn't need to use create by object name there as described since you are picking one object type and spawning one object type, try using spawn as it will resolve the more general issue with instance picking.

  • OP you using system create? I think that doesn't work well with picking, I used spawn.

  • No that shouldn't be the case, a family is treated as an object type and it should run through all instances of family when checking the animation frame. If it creates one object total then that means only one instance is true. I prefer to do it a bit differently so an event is not running every tick but what you describe should still work

  • It works... until multiple CharacterAnimation family members are on that certain frame of that certain animation at the same time. Then, still only 1 object is created.

    Do you mean 1 object total or per instance? If you mean total I'm not sure how that would happen, it should pick all instances of family. This should work and even if they hit the frame at the same time it shouldn't be an issue.

  • You need to block out the idle animation as a start, so you add conditions to that event such as 'disappearing' animation is NOT playing. That is the main one that overrides the animations from playing because it is easy to not press anything, however moving while the animation is playing would also cut it out so you can add the same conditions to the movement animation events.

  • I imagine it would only spawn one in this case. Better to share the events or the project file so someone can have a look.

  • Lets see the events. Did you use 'button is down'? Better to use on click as it is trigger event and runs once.

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  • How far did you get with ads? You can make a variable of 180 and subtract 1 every second, or user a timer. Then show ad when it hits 0 and set to 180 again. Sounds like a terrible idea though.

  • Then take persist off the enemies and calculate it another way. Can't see the game, don't know how they spawn or act, but you should be able to detect them.

  • If you want it so all enemies in the game reset upon a save then don't use persist on the gates and instead use variables to track if it should be open.

  • Cannot tell from the info but if you want it to fade in you can set it to Enabled=yes and give it the settings it needs then on creation it automatically fades in. If you have any other events that use opacity they may interfere with fade. Fade is really just adjusting opacity so you could always use this instead.

  • Try system layout scale, it makes everything smaller giving the effect of zoom out.